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Walmart & Sam's Club Teacher Reward

October 11, 2013

Walmart and Sam's Club are presenting the Teacher Rewards Program for the fifth year, giving back to public education.

Twenty educators from Northside Elementary received the randomly drawn $50 teacher rewards card that they can use to purchase school supplies.


Educators who received a card were: Lindley Hagar, Melody Harrison, Sherry Smith, Judy Wallace, Kim Thompson, Cindi Brannon, Cindy Wilson, Carmen Johnson, Karen Turner, Laura Schneider, Laura Vaughn, Erin Hicks, Melissa Boroughs, Farrah Austin, Lindsey Pierce, Candace Anselmi, Melissa Lashbrook, Cindy Rowlett, Macy Leggett, and Marcia Miller.

Through the Teacher Rewards program, Walmart and Sam's Club will provide more than $4 million to 90,000 teachers like Northside Elementary across the U.S. during the 2013 back-to-school season.

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