September School Board Recognition
September 19, 2013

Students were recognized at September's board meeting for their superior accomplishments.
Cabot High School Key Club
The Cabot Key Club was also recognized for having the most students holding district offices out of all the Arkansas and Missouri Key Clubs District.
Caleb Duerkop is the Arkansas-Missouri Governor, Reagan Allgood is the Editor of the Key Way Magazine, Charl Young is the District 19 Lt. Governor and Annalise Jirik is District 16 Lt. Governor. Caleb was also recognized for being the first Cabot Key Club member to be a district Governor.
Summer Reading for Students
Elementary students were recognized for the Summer Reading Program. Students received books over the summer through the mail and were challenged to read the books for retention of reading levels over the summer.
The students also read books to the School Board. Pictured: Casey Hanna, Southside Elementary Principal and her students Marla Gibson and Rebecca Roberts, and Joann Blalock, Northside Elementary Principal and her student Aaron Gilliam.
Great job students and the Cabot School District is very proud of you!