Preparing Your Child for Kindergarten
March 11, 2013

P.A.W.S. Ed.
Panther Academy of Wellness and Social/Emotional Development
Preparing Your Child for Kindergarten
The Cabot School District is providing a free informational meeting for parents to learn how to help ease the transition to the Kindergarten setting.
A panel of four Kindergarten teachers will discuss various topics as well as answer questions.
April 16th
1 p.m. & 6 p.m. classes available
Central Administrative Offices, 602 N. Lincoln
Contact Kelly Spencer at 843-3363 x 1204 or Seating is limited. Please secure your spot by registering today!
Other spring presentations:
March 26th - Cyber bullying and Internet Safety
May 20th - Prescription Drug Abuse Awareness
Location: Central Administrative Offices, Professional Development Center Room 602 N. Lincoln.
Target Audience: Parents and community members
Times: 1 p.m. & 6 p.m. classes
Registration: Seating is limited. Please register no later than 2 days in advance of each event.
To register contact Kelly Spencer at 843-3363 x 1204 or email