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Roadmap to Reopening: Frequently Asked Questions - UPDATED August 31, 2020

August 23, 2020

Cabot Panther Students, Parents/Guardians, Teachers, and Staff,

Cabot Public Schools is committed to providing a safe and healthy learning environment for all of our students. We understand parents have many questions regarding the upcoming 2020-2021 school year. This correspondence is to provide you with as much information as we can at this time to help alleviate some of your concerns.

Cabot Public Schools will follow the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) guidelines and the “Arkansas Ready for Learning” plan issued by the Arkansas Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) for reopening in the fall. We have also established multiple working committees comprised of administrators, staff, teachers, students, parents, and community leaders to help develop reopening plans based on guidance from public health officials and state agencies. 

The district will offer three learning options for the 2020-2021 school year. Traditional (In-Classroom Five Days a Week) Blending Learning, Cabot Panther Digital Academy (All Online), and our Conversion Charter School the Academic Center of Excellence (ACE and ACE North).

Even though classes may look different this fall, please know Cabot Public Schools is working to create the safest educational environment possible. We will continue to work with the ADH and DESE to ensure the district is “Ready for Learning.” 

Later this summer, as state directives for the fall become clearer and our plans are further developed, we will share more information with our Panther families. In the meantime, this document will continue to be updated with the latest information and can be found on our district website in the yellow announcement box titled: Roadmap to Reopening.

While we continue to work through the details, we hope the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section below will address some of your concerns. If you have any questions that are not answered here, please feel free to email: If you would like someone to call you back, please include your name, your student's name, and your phone number in the email and a district employee will contact you as soon as possible to help answer your questions. 

Again, thank you for your continued patience and support as we work together to navigate this new educational roadmap.

Spanish Version

Cabot Public Schools FAQ's Regarding COVID-19 Guidelines For 2020-2021 
**UPDATED - August 31, 2020**

1. When is the first day of school for students? - UPDATED!
Cabot Public Schools has updated our plans for the first two days of school. Instead of all K-12 students (including CPDA students) beginning on Monday, August 24th, students will be phased-in depending on their last name.

Only students whose last names begin with A-K will attend on Monday, August 24th.  (CPDA students A-K will log-in)
Only students whose last names begin with L-Z will attend on Tuesday, August 25th.  (CPDA students L-Z will log-in)

The first day of school for ALL students will be Wednesday, August 26th.  

*If students reside in the same household but have different last names, our principals will make all accommodations necessary to assist those families. Please contact your school principal if you have questions or need assistance.  

*ACE students will remain on their normal schedule. ACE North will follow the two day phase-in plan above like everyone else.

Pre-K Students:
The schedule for Pre-K students will be different.

Monday, August 24 – Pre-K Boys Only
Tuesday, August 25 – Pre-K Girls Only

Wednesday, August 26 – All Pre-K Students

2. Can you guarantee students and staff will not become ill?
No. While the well-being of our students, staff, and families is of utmost importance, we cannot guarantee no one will get sick. Every risk cannot be mitigated, but we will do all we can to ensure everyone's safety.

3. What are the requirements for face coverings? - UPDATED!
After Governor Asa Hutchinson issued an executive order mandating face coverings statewide, the Cabot School Board voted to require face coverings for K-12 students and staff for the upcoming school year. Click HERE for details. This includes details for Pre-K students as well.

New ADH Face Coverings Directive Regarding Masks with Valves, Bandanas, & Gaiters

4. Will face coverings be provided for students?
The district will provide cloth face coverings for every student.

5. Will bus transportation be provided?
Yes, the district will provide bus transportation for students. If there are any changes to bus schedules, stops, or routes, information will be communicated to parents.

6. Will students have to wear face coverings on the bus? - UPDATED!
All students (Pre-K-12) shall be required to wear a mask or face covering when riding in school-provided transportation.

7. What will the school day look like for my child?
Administrators are working diligently to create schedules that include minimizing close physical interactions. Our goal is to maintain as normal of a day as possible while mitigating risk.

8. How will students socially distance in the classroom?
Classrooms will be arranged to maximize spacing between students and teachers to the extent possible. We will make every effort to conform to social distancing guidelines.

9. Where will my student eat lunch?
Based on current ADH guidelines regarding limited capacities in cafeterias, we are working on adjusting lunch schedules and possibly using alternative areas if necessary. Other measures will include proper sanitation of all areas after every meal service.

10. Will my student still be able to have recess or play on the playground?
Yes, students will have outdoor play time.

11. Will students still have extra classes like P.E., art, music, and library?
Yes, students will still have the opportunity to participate in activity classes.

12. Will students be able to attend field trips?
We anticipate field trips in the fall will be limited. We will follow ADH and DESE guidance.

13. Will water fountains be available?
Students are encouraged to bring filled water bottles as water fountains will not be available. Hydration stations will be available for students to fill their water bottles if needed.

14. Can I still send money with my child to school to pay for lunch and any fees?
We highly encourage parents to use online payment systems including EZSchoolPay and RevTrak.

15. Will CPS have Pre-K for the upcoming school year? - UPDATED!
Yes. Just like all our students, Pre-K students will be phased-in the first two days of school.

Monday, August 24 – Pre-K Boys Only
Tuesday, August 25 – Pre-K Girls Only

Wednesday, August 26 – All Pre-K Students Attend

Pre-K will host family conferences the week of August 17. Bus transportation will begin Sept. 8th.

We know young children learn best through hands-on activities engaged with adults and other children. So, we are working with our school district and local health departments to help ensure a safe and healthy learning environment for our students and staff. During the week of July 6, we will be communicating with our Pre-K families the health and safety guidelines that will be implemented to ensure the safety of our children, families, and staff. 

Cabot School District Pre-K is a Monday-Friday full day program. The hours are 7:50 a.m.-3:20 p.m. with drop off beginning at 7:30 a.m. each morning. Regular attendance is expected in order to promote consistent interactions with other students as well as keep continuity of instruction.

If your family is interested in the Home Based Preschool option through the Cabot Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY), please contact Jennie Gates at (870) 255-1234 or email her at for more information.

16. Will extracurricular activities and sports be offered in the fall?
Yes. Many student athletes have currently returned to campus to begin practice based on ADH and Arkansas Activities Association (AAA) guidance. We anticipate there will be sports activities in the fall with possible modifications required by ADH and AAA.

17. Will there be any restrictions on band and/or choir? - UPDATED!
Here are the guidelines that were released by ADH on August 5th. 

18. What precautions will be taken for cleaning and sanitizing?
Disinfecting, sanitation, and cleanliness continue to be a high priority on all our campuses. Extra attention will be given on high touch surface areas. Restrooms will also be continuously cleaned throughout the day. Students will be expected to wash or sanitize their hands throughout the day.

19. Will students and adults be screened daily?
At this time guidance from ADH and DESE does not include taking temperatures. However, it is very important that a Health Check, which includes a temperature check and an observation of any possible signs or symptoms regarding COVID-19 is performed each morning, at home, before arriving at school or getting on the school bus.

20. What happens if a student comes to school sick?
The student will be screened by the school nurse. If the student has a temperature over the ADH guidance, they will be sent home and will need to be fever free for 48 hours without medication before returning to school. The student will be required to check in again with the school nurse upon returning to school.

21. What happens if an individual tests positive for COVID-19? - UPDATED!
The district will be in close contact with ADH directly and follow ADH's guidance. The state has also released the "Response Levels For On-Site Learning" guide for districts to follow.

The district also recently released its COVID-19 Communication process.

  • When Cabot Public Schools receives notification of a positive case of COVID-19 inside a school building, staff members and parents of all students in that school will be notified by email through the district's automated messaging system at the end of the school day, but NOT before all direct contacts have been first notified.

  • When a student or staff member is determined to be a probable close contact and may have been exposed to COVID-19, the parent or employee will receive a phone call from the district.

  • When students or staff members are asked to quarantine, but there is NOT a confirmed positive COVID-19 case, an email notification is not required. 

22. Can I visit the school, classroom, or eat lunch with my student?
Under current ADH guidance, visitors will not be allowed in the school except for the reception area. Parents will not be allowed to eat with their child. Visits to the school will be limited to essential activity.

23. Can I walk my child into the school?
No, parents and guardians may not walk them into the school, but they may walk their student to the school entrance.

24. What about students who have special needs or students with compromised immune systems and pre-existing conditions?
The district will be prepared to accommodate students with special needs through both onsite and remote instruction. Our Special Education instructors will be taking extra precautions when working with students. If parents have concerns about their students who may be at high-risk for COVID-19, they may be interested in exploring our digital option which allows the students to continue their education from the safety of their home.

25. How will you help fill any gaps in learning for my student from the previous year?
The district curriculum team, along with classroom teachers and administrators are continuing to work in order to revise district curricula so that missed essential standards and skills will be addressed when students return.

26. What happens if schools are mandated to close again?
This is where “blended learning” for traditional students comes in. With blended learning, students will learn content through in-classroom instruction with their teachers as well as through Google Classroom. Students will learn how to use these digital learning systems by participating in lessons throughout the week while at school. In the event of a school closure, or if a student becomes ill, students will be able to easily pivot or transition to online learning at home. Blended learning will become part of our new normal.

27. If I do not want my student to return to school in this traditional format, what are my options?
A survey was sent to parents on June 10th in order for us to collect data on families that may be interested in a completely digital online learning experience for K-12 students. For families considering the Cabot Panther Digital Academy or other learning options, click HERE.

28. When will parents be able to apply for the Cabot Panther Digital Academy? - UPDATED!
Applications were emailed to parents on Wednesday, July 1st. The deadline to submit an application was July 26, however, you are welcome to still apply to be placed on a waiting list. Information is posted on our district website,, and our social media pages (Facebook: CabotPublicSchoolDistrict, Twitter: @cabotsd).

UPDATE -- CPDA/On-Site Learning Requests - Please Read!

FYI: There is not a set deadline to apply for Academic Center of Excellence (ACE) or ACE North.

29. Why do parents need to make a decision on the Cabot Panther Digital Academy by July 26th? - UPDATED! 
While July 26th may seem early in regards to school opening on August 24, there is a substantial amount of work and preparation that goes into reopening school. To staff and schedule accordingly, we need to know your intention by the deadline in order to provide the best learning experience for our students. Applying by July 26th will also ensure that you are on the application list. 

30. Can I change my decision about digital learning?
District staffing will be set based upon student/parent response to digital learning and cannot be easily changed once school begins. However, please know that we will have systems in place to support students in their respective learning environments and intervene as best as possible. If it is in the student's best academic interest to move from one environment to another, then we will work to ensure they are in the best situation. UPDATE -- CPDA/On-Site Learning Requests - Please Read!

31. I understand that I will not be able to walk my child into school and only to the front entrance. Will there be someone who can help them get to their classroom, especially on the first day?
Our principals know they will need to be prepared for these situations. While at this point we are not able to allow large groups of parents in the school, we understand this is an important part of the first day of school and we will work on a way to make it as positive as possible. Once we have a plan we will share with parents. We want to assure you that we will take care of your kids.

32. Will there be an open house, will we be able to meet the teacher, or see the classroom? - UPDATED!
Here are the specific details on open house which is scheduled for Thursday, August 20 for both on-site and digital students. We understand that parents and students need to meet teachers and become familiar with their classroom before we open on August 24. This will also help with students and parents who are new to our district, to that school, and/or are feeling anxious about the first day. 

33. When and how will students be receiving their schedules and learning where classrooms are located? - UPDATED!
Here is information on the online schedule release for 7th-12th grade on-site and digital students.

34. Will kids be allowed to play together or have to stay 6 feet apart?
We will do our best to encourage the six foot rule for kids, but we all realize that we must be reasonable in how we work through those types of issues. We want school to be a safe and caring place and have to be careful about making it too “institutionalized.”

35. Will my child's teacher be teaching her classroom students as well as online digital students? - UPDATED!
Staff that is teaching in a traditional classroom may be assigned students in the digital academy. However, that teacher MAY not be teaching on-site and digital students at the same time.  

36. What if a student wants to play football or another sport, or be on dance/cheer but wants to do digital learning, is that possible? - UPDATED!
Students enrolled in the CPDA may now participate in AAA sports/activities. For the complete list, click HERE. Please note, transportation to and from sports/activities is not provided for CPDA students. FYI: If the link is not working, here are the activities: Baseball, Basketball, Bowling, ESports, Football, Golf, Soccer, Softball, Spirit, Swim/Dive, Tennis, Track/Xcountry, Volleyball, Wrestling, ACTAA, AR JSHS, Arkansas SkillsUSA, Band/Orchestra, Choral Music, Chess, EdTA - Arkansas Thespians, FCCLA, FFA, Quiz Bowl, Scholastic Press, Speech/Debate/Theatre, Student Council

37. If my student is enrolled in the CPDA, will they be allowed to come to school to attend band class? - UPDATED!
Students in the digital program may now participate in AAA sports/activities.

38. Can students in the digital programs still go to prom, homecoming, and graduation?
Yes, they are Cabot School District students enrolled in our programs so they can attend prom, homecoming, and graduation.

39. Will it be possible for my child to attend school part of the day and do the rest of their curriculum online?
For K-6, the options include traditional (in-classroom) blending learning or the (at-home K-12) Cabot Panther Digital Academy. You cannot do half a day in school, half a day at home. For 7-12, the ACE option does provide flexible scheduling in a small school setting. Students do most of their work online but they are required to come meet with teachers a minimal number of hours each week.

40. Will attendance still be taken regardless of in-class or virtual instruction?
Yes, attendance will be required and taken regardless of the learning environment.

41. Will the semester attendance policy still be in effect for semester test exemption?
This policy has been updated. For the latest information please refer to the Student Handbook.

42. What are the electives for the Cabot Panther Digital Academy? - UPDATED!
Click HERE for a list of CPDA electives and courses.

43. If my student enrolls in CPDA, will they have different teachers for each core curriculum, or will they have only one teacher? If a teacher has dual certification, they would be teaching more than one core subject.  This would completely depend on staffing and the certification of the teachers. They can only teach subject areas in which they have a license.  

44. Will those enrolling in the CPDA be able to take Pre-AP and AP courses? - UPDATED!
Our secondary courses will be offered via APEX Learning. Click HERE for a list of CPDA electives and courses.

45.  I filled out an application for the CPDA, how will I know if my application is approved? - UPDATED!
If your application is approved you will be notified by email.

46. If we are in the CPDA, will my student be able to have her picture taken and be in a yearbook?
Yes, our CPDA students are part of our district. As such, we will have a plan for ensuring they get their pictures taken and be represented in a yearbook.

47. Did Cabot consider a hybrid schedule such as A/B?
Yes, we considered all options. The challenge with a hybrid schedule is that students attend in-person instruction on set days during the week and the other days are online. The primary challenge would be for parents that work and have children that could not care for themselves on the days they were not to be at school. We did not feel this was a good option for our community at this time. We believe that providing the option for a totally digital curriculum for those students that are able to work from home was our best option. In-class instruction is by far the best for many students. We believe that we need to maximize this setting for students as much as possible since we've already missed so much last spring.

48. If I'm enrolled in the CPDA, do we still qualify for discounted tuition through ASU Beebe for concurrent classes?
Yes. You can take online or in-person classes at ASU Beebe and still receive the discount. They just need to know you are still a registered student at Cabot High School.

49. Will the G/T program be part of the CPDA?
Gifted/Talented services will be provided to K-6 identified students. However, G/T services will not look identical to what has been offered in the past. Meetings with G/T teams are taking place over the next few weeks to work on details. 

50. What do I need to do if I plan on sending my student back to school for in-person instruction?
If you are a returning student (which means you attended the district last year), you do not need to do anything at this time. In August, we will ask parents to go online to update information. We will share the link to do this when it is available. 

If you are brand new to our district, new student registration is currently taking place. Please click the link below to enroll your student in the Cabot School District.

51. If I have multiple students in the district, can I choose different learning options for each one?
Yes. For example, if you have two students and one would like to do the traditional in-classroom blending learning option and the other would like to apply for the Cabot Panther Digital Academy that is definitely an option for families.

52. What about school supplies? - UPDATED!
 Latest information on supply fees and school supplies. 

K-6 has a one-time $25 supply fee that includes a class t-shirt. All supplies are purchased by the school and provided for your student. Each student will receive their own supplies and will not be shared with other students.

*Pre-K has no supply fee but we ask families to send a backpack with their child and a lunch box if they are bringing their lunch from home, as well as a water bottle.

Secondary Supply Lists (7th-12th) – Some supplies are class specific. Lists are posted on your school's website.

53. Is there a supply fee for the Cabot Panther Digital Academy?
Latest information on supply fees and school supplies.
Yes. There will be a K-6 one-time $25 online portfolio fee. This will include materials that need to be picked up at Open House.

54. What are the courses and electives for ACE?
Click HERE for a list.

55. If my child goes to school and there is a case in her class or at her school what will happen? Will the parents be notified? 
The district will follow the guidelines provided in the Response Levels for On-Site Learning document. Please notice the flow chart on page 6 for notifications. Page 7 defines "close contacts." 

COVID-19 Communication Process
Below is an explanation of our COVID-19 Communication process.

*When Cabot Public Schools receives notification of a positive case of COVID-19 inside a school building, staff members and parents of all students in that school will be notified by email through the district's automated messaging system.

*When a student or staff member is determined to be a probable close contact and may have been exposed to COVID-19, the parent or employee will receive a phone call from the district.

*When students or staff members are asked to quarantine, but there is NOT a confirmed positive COVID-19 case, an email notification is not required. 

56. When can we pick classes for our students who have chosen the digital academy option?
Once the district has finalized all plans for the Cabot Panther Digital Academy, you will be contacted regarding any next steps. Depending on your student's grade level, the majority of the classes are the required core classes -- math, English, social studies, science.

57. Are the school hours going to be the same as usual? 
We have no plans to change our school hours for this school year. All of our planning is based upon our normal school day schedule. 

58. Can students/staff wear face coverings they purchase/make themselves or can they only wear the ones provided by the district?
Students and staff will be allowed to wear face coverings that they purchase or make. They will need to meet our dress code policy.

59. Will the digital academy start the same day as when traditional school begins?
Digital learning will begin the same day as on campus instruction. Please see question #1 for the new two day phase-in plan.

60. Will we be allowed to send disinfect wipes and hand sanitizer with our children to use throughout the day?
Yes. You are welcome to send hand sanitizer and wipes with your child to school. 

61. Can CPDA students return to the traditional classroom at semester? - UPDATED!
Yes, students will be able to move back to the traditional school setting (their zoned school) at semester as long as space is available.  

62. My student received a Chromebook at the end of last year, what do we do with them?
If a student borrowed a district Chromebook back in April, you may bring that Chromebook to Open House to exchange it for the one that will be officially assigned to you. If you cannot make it to Open House, bring it the first week of school.

63. Will we need to purchase our own Chromebook for the Cabot Panther Digital Academy?
Every Cabot Public Schools student whether they attend in-classroom instruction or digitally (Cabot Panther Digital Academy) will be assigned a Chromebook this year. Chromebooks will be distributed at Open House and the first week of school.

Students will need to bring their assigned Chromebooks to class with them every day. The devices will be used regularly throughout the school week. It is highly encouraged to store your Chromebook in a protective carrying case, although it is not required to purchase one.

The closed dimensions of our Chromebooks are: 11.6" Long, 7.9" Wide, 0.97" Thick

64. As we get closer to opening, can you give parents an idea on what school will look like?
First of all, our objective for school has not changed in regard to mitigating as many risks as possible. As part of mitigating risks for students and staff, there will be changes, but for the most part, the "look" of school will not change.   

The most obvious change will be the use of face coverings by students and staff. There will be slight changes to daily schedules to minimize student transitions and to socially distance. This would include changes to lunch schedules. There may be slight changes to transitions to minimize the number of students moving from one place to another at one time. Some classrooms will have new furniture to allow for maximum utilization of space. There may be changes to recess for our younger students, but we assure our parents that students will still be allowed to run, play and enjoy their free time.  

For the most part, many of the changes will become the "new normal" after a few days.  

Also, keep in mind that though many of the ways that we will mitigate risks are common from school to school, there also may be a few changes specific to a school. Our building principals will be sharing that information with parents in advance of our opening on the 24th.  

We want our students to enjoy coming to school, being in our classrooms, and learning with their friends.  The one thing that will not change regardless of face coverings, social distancing, and changes to schedules is the fact that our faculty and staff are going to love and care for your kids. 

65. Why  is the district not communicating via mass phone messages like we do for so many other less important topics. It seems if you miss a Facebook post, then you are likely to miss updated information regarding the ever changing roadmap?  
First and foremost, we have reiterated and will do so even more that it is imperative to check our website for updated information and not rely solely on social media.  Every social media post of importance is directly generated from a news posting on first.  

Unless you go directly to our Facebook page for news items, it's understandable that a posting may be missed.  Please use as your primary source for updated information.  

There is rarely a day that some aspect of our "Roadmap to Reopening" is not updated in some way. When there is an update to an existing posting, that news item is pushed to the top of the list under "Cabot School District News".  If we activated a phone call to parents every time a news item was added or updated, we would be calling most every day.  As we prepare to reopen and communication is important, please make it a priority to check our website each day for updates.  

66. When will I receive my login information for the Home Access Center?
HAC login and passwords are being sent via email to the guardian 1 listed in our student information system beginning Monday, August 10th. This login and password will be used to update information on returning Cabot students via Registration Gateway as well as give access to online schedules for grades 7-12. If a student, grades 7-12, has forgotten their login and password for online schedule release, they can contact their school. New students to the district should have received their login information during registration.

67. When will the Home Access Center be available?
HAC will be open for parents and students on the dates provided by our 7-12 campuses regarding online schedule release. K-6 students will have HAC access by open house on August 20th.

68. Will the login information for the Home Access Center be the login for my child's Chromebook?
No. Your student will be given a separate login for the Chromebook at the time of distribution of the Chromebooks.

69. I know the deadline has past, but can I still submit an application to be placed on a waiting list for the Cabot Panther Digital Academy?

UPDATE -- CPDA/On-Site Learning Requests - Please Read!

Yes, here is the application. Parents of students on the waitlist who are moved to the CPDA will be notified by email or phone call by their respective buildings once that takes place. We are handling those transitions as we speak and will do our best to make any shifts within the next week or so.

70. What is the purpose of having a phase-in the first two days of school?
As we've shared in earlier FAQs, we will need to change daily school routines to mitigate risk for students and staff.  A two day phase-in with smaller groups to orient our students to these changes will prove beneficial for everyone. 

As a reminder, students with last name beginning with A - K will begin on Monday, August 24th.  This group of students will not attend school on Tuesday, August 25th.  

Students with last name beginning with L - Z will begin on Tuesday, August 25th.  This group of students will not attend school on Monday, August 24th.  

All students will attend on Wednesday, August 25th.  

-We will spend the first day focusing on routines and our "new normal." This will include student and class transitions, cafeteria and recess procedures, as well as classroom expectations in regard to face coverings and social distancing. This will be better accomplished working with smaller groups the first two days. 

-We will orient our students to new Chromebooks in smaller groups.  

-We know there are concerns with not being able to walk students to class on the first day.  Managing smaller groups of “first day” students will ensure that we provide the supervision needed as parents drop-off students on the first day. 

-There are also so many benefits for our transportation department to work with smaller groups of students the first two days.  As drivers become familiar with students and routes, we anticipate that this will impact the lengthy delays we usually experience the first two days of school. 

-We now have the opportunity to teach students and parents about drop-off and pick-up procedures in smaller groups.  We believe this will be very beneficial when everyone starts on Wednesday!

71. Can a district decide to close school following an outbreak?
A local school district does not have the authority to close the district and "send kids home". That decision would be directed from the state level and not at the district level.   

72. Will there be free breakfast for all the students again this year?

73. Can a face shield replace a face covering? 
Face shields may only replace cloth face coverings when there are extenuating circumstances that prevent a student from successfully wearing a cloth face covering.  The circumstances should be discussed with the building administrator in advance of school opening on August 24th.

74. Can Cabot Panther Digital Academy students still purchase or receive free/reduced price meals from school?
Yes. Students enrolled in our Cabot Panther Digital Academy can still receive meals from our Food Service Department. Food Service will soon be sending CPDA parents a form through email to sign-up for weekly boxed meals.

The boxes will include five breakfast and lunch meals. Pick-up will take place at the Cabot High School cafeteria every Saturday and Sunday. Parents will be able to select a time slot to pick up their meals for the week. 

Students who do not qualify for free and reduced price meals will be charged $12.00 (K-6) & $13.00 (7-12). Payment can be made online (EZSchoolPay) or at pick-up. A weekly menu will be included on the sign-up sheet. 

75. What happens if my student's Chromebook is stolen?  
If a Chromebook is reported stolen and a police report filed by the parent/guardian, there would not be a financial responsibility in regard to replacement of the unit.  

The district has management software installed on Chromebooks. This allows the district to disable the unit from use when it is reported as stolen.  Once the Chromebook attempts to connect to the internet, the district is able to identify the location and this information will be shared with law enforcement.  

In addition, each Chromebook also has a unique asset number when it is assigned to a student. This allows the district to identify when students are using units that are not associated with their account. 

Any student in possession of a stolen Chromebook, regardless of the location of the unit, will be subject to disciplinary action by the school district and law enforcement consequences.  

76. I still have questions. Can I email a question or speak to a staff member over the phone to help me discuss the best option for my student? 
Yes, you can email your questions to: If you would like someone to call you back, please include your name, your student's name, and your phone number in the email and a district employee will contact you as soon as possible to help answer your questions. 

July 23 Video Update From Dr. Thurman Regarding Face Coverings & CPDA
July 15 Video Update From Dr. Thurman

Vision & Mission

The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
dignity and respect, and adapt successfully to the demands of the rapidly changing society.

The Cabot School District is committed to
"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."