K-12 Registration 2020-2021 Begins June 3rd
May 29, 2020

Cabot Public Schools is proud to announce registration for all new students for the 2020-2021 school year will begin Wednesday, June 3rd.
You can pre-register online now. Telephone appointments will begin on Wednesday, June 3rd.
Due to the current health situation, all registration will take place online. There will be no in-person meetings.
*Children who will turn five (5) years of age on or before August 1, 2020 should be enrolled in kindergarten.
*If you are a parent of a current Cabot Public Schools Pre-K student, you DO NOT pre-register online for kindergarten. A district registrar will contact you by phone to verify your information.
Instructions on pre-registering online:
Parents/guardians of any new K-12 student can now pre-register online and schedule a telephone registration appointment. Just go to the district website, www.cabotschools.org and click on the Student Registration icon at the top right of the homepage. Then select K-12 New Student Registration.
Once you complete the pre-registration process and set your telephone appointment, you will receive a phone call from a district registrar at your scheduled time. During your telephone appointment, the registrar will verify the information you provided during pre-registration. Once the appointment is over, the registrar will send you an email with information on providing required documentation.
*You can access the K-12 registration portal by computer, tablet, or a smart phone.
If you have any questions, please contact Student Services at 501-843-3363.