Grading Information
May 13, 2020

With the school year quickly coming to an end, we have had a number of questions from parents regarding grades. First of all, we wish to thank our parents and guardians for the tremendous work you all have done to help us educate your students over the past two months.
Our district along with the Department of Education understands this has been an unprecedented and stressful time for everyone. With the statewide closure of onsite instruction, remote learning presented challenges for many students and families.
With that in mind, as well as due to other factors that we know may be impacting our families, it is the stance of the Cabot School District that no student will receive a failing grade for the 4th 9 weeks.
For students in kindergarten-6th grade, grades from the 3rd 9 weeks will roll over to the 4th 9 weeks.
For students in 7th-11th grade, the district will average the 3rd and 4th 9 weeks to determine the semester average. There will be no semester exam grade entered.
Parents/guardians if you have any questions, please email your student's principal. They are more than happy to clarify and assist you as we prepare to close out this school year.