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Upcoming Changes To Cabot Kids' Café — Food Delivery Option For Those Needing Assistance

April 7, 2020

For the health and safety of our staff members, next week the district will begin consolidating our Cabot Kids' Cafe locations. 

Our drive-through meal program and AMI packet pick up for students in the Cabot School District will continue from 11:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. at Magness Creek Elementary, Ward Central Elementary, and Cabot Junior High North. (AMI packets will now be located at the front of the building not in the drive-throughs).

However, beginning Monday April 13, meals will no longer be distributed at Central Elementary or Cabot Middle School South.

Please understand this decision was not made due to a lack of funding or participation. Cabot Kids' Cafe is not based on the number of people utilizing the meal program. That is a misconception. In fact, serving families that really do not want or need the service is actually making staffing more challenging and increasing the amount of interaction at each location. 

This change is solely based on protecting our employees. We will continue to provide meals, but respectfully request that only those that need the assistance utilize the program. The more locations we have open, the more employees we have working. We are blessed to have employees who want to work and serve our families. However, we have to do what is best for them and that includes limiting their contact with each other and the public.

Student Food Delivery Request - THIS OPTION IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE

If a family requires assistance providing meals for their student(s) and in need of delivery due to extenuating circumstances, Cabot Public Schools is working together with several of our community partners to begin delivering weekly food boxes to those students starting Monday, April 13. 

To qualify, the student(s) must be enrolled in the district and the family is either homebound or does not have transportation. 

Please complete this form if your family requires assistance. If you are unable to fill out the form online, call Central Administrative Offices at 501-843-3363 and we will be happy to complete the form for you by phone.  

This request form MUST be completed to be added to the delivery schedule for the remainder of the current school year. YOU ONLY NEED TO FILL OUT THE FORM ONE TIME! 

It is also necessary to complete and submit the form no later than Wednesday to receive delivery for the following Monday.

For example, the form must be completed by this Wednesday, April 8, to receive delivery for Monday, April 13. Forms completed after this date will be scheduled for delivery the following week. Once you have submitted a request for delivery, please notify the district as soon as possible if the decision is made to cancel this service.

Our Food Service Department will use the forms to prepare meals for the ENTIRE week (5 breakfasts, 5 lunches per student). 

If you have any questions, please contact Assistant Superintendent Michael Byrd at 501-843-3363 ext. 1018.

Vision & Mission

The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
dignity and respect, and adapt successfully to the demands of the rapidly changing society.

The Cabot School District is committed to
"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."