Dr. Thurman's Update: April 7, 2020
April 7, 2020

Dear Panther Families,
These past few weeks have definitely been challenging and quite frankly, emotionally draining for everyone.
Though we knew it was coming, hearing the official announcement from Governor Hutchinson that schools will be closed to on-site instruction for the remainder of the year left quite a sting and a lot of heartache for so many of us…our staff, students, families, and myself included. There is a lot more to school than academics…every day at school is an experience. It hurts to know our kids will not have closure to the school year that is always a very special time for everyone.
But with great sadness also comes great pride. On very short notice, our educators are completely redesigning what schools look like, turning their living rooms into make-shift classrooms. We're placing technology into the hands of our students, distributing hundreds of Chromebooks, and kids are being provided with meals, all in the midst of a global pandemic. To say I'm proud of our staff and the support of our parents and community would be an understatement.
Still, this is hard. We are learning and adjusting every day, just like our families. There are many questions and details that we will be working through in the coming days and weeks….
Prom has been postponed. Not knowing when we will be allowed to gather in large groups once again makes it impossible to plan ahead.
What about graduation for the Class of 2020?
Just like prom, it's impossible to make a definitive decision until we have a better idea on when we will be able to gather in large groups. I appreciate the many suggestions being shared, but until we have the approved timeline to gather in large groups, we will not be able to finalize a plan.
I've received many messages from parents asking that we not take graduation away from the Class of 2020. Let me be clear….we will have some type of celebration for the Class of 2020. I've attended the last 17 graduations for Cabot High School, and I fully intend to make number 18. We are not sure what that will look like right now, but we are going to celebrate….someway, somehow, sometime and somewhere! Keep in mind, I'm not only the school superintendent, I'm the proud dad of a graduating senior in the Class of 2020!
Now, upcoming changes to the Cabot Kid's Café…
I want to share some changes to our Cabot Kid's Café and a new food delivery option for those needing assistance. Beginning Monday, April 13th, we will be consolidating our Cabot Kids' Café locations. Our drive through meal program and AMI packet pick up will continue from 11-12 at Magness Creek Elementary, Ward Central Elementary, and Cabot Junior High North.
I want to make it clear that the viability of the program has nothing to do with participation. In fact, serving families that really do not want or need the service is actually making staffing more challenging and increasing the amount of interaction at each location.
The decision to consolidate locations was completely based on the health and safety of our staff members. The more locations we have open, the more employees we have working. We are blessed to have staff willing to work, who want to continue to serve our families. However, we have to do what is best for them and that includes limiting their contact with each other and the public.
We do have a NEW service to tell you about that also begins Monday, April 13th. If a family requires assistance providing meals for their student and needs food delivered due to extenuating circumstances – for example – they are homebound or do not have transportation – Cabot Public Schools is working together with several community partners to begin delivering weekly food boxes to students in need.
If your family requires assistance, you MUST complete a form. That form, including deadlines to apply, is posted on our website, cabotschools.org. If you would like for our staff to assist you with completing the delivery form, call us at 501-843-3363 or leave a message and we guarantee that you'll receive a return call.
Many of you have also been inquiring about spring pictures, yearbooks, field trip refunds, or belongings left at school. We are working on a plan and just ask that you be patient and give us time to work through many details. Please make sure you are following our district website and social media pages for official information.
As for AMI work, Pre-K-6 will continue with PBS through May 1st with teachers supporting instruction. Seventh through 11th graders will continue working on their long-term portfolios through Google classroom or the method your student's teacher is currently using. Seniors still working on coursework should continue to be in direct contact with their teachers.
Remember, we are here to support, not to overwhelm. As I have reminded our staff, they didn't sign up to be distance educators and you didn't sign up to be a homeschool parent …so we need to be understanding, patient and supportive of each other.
We have many families facing hardships and it's been tough adjusting to this new normal. If you are not feeling overwhelmed by the situation, great. If you are feeling overwhelmed, you are NOT alone and that's totally understandable!
Here is the deal, we are here to help and even if it is just to talk to someone about the challenges of this new norm. Please reach out to your teacher, building administrator, or even one of our counselors. If you have a question or concern and not quite sure where to start, you're welcome to start with me and I'll point you in the right direction.
Okay…this has been a lot of information! The script can be found on our website and going forward, we promise to keep you updated.
I typically like to close videos with a quote, but I'm going a different direction today. In fact, I'm going to close with four points! On behalf of every administrator and teacher in the Cabot School District to our students…..we miss you very much….hang in there….this too shall pass….and we'll see you soon!
Go Panthers!