Free District WiFi
April 4, 2020

Our Maintenance Department and Technology Department have been working together to provide free Wi-Fi access for our families.
Beginning Monday, April 6th from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., free WiFi spots will be available in the parking lots at several of our schools.
Magness Creek Elementary (16150 Arkansas Hwy 5) - Front Parking Lot
Ward Central Elementary (1570 Wilson Loop Road, Ward) - Cafeteria Parking Lot
Southside Elementary (2600 South Pine Street) - Front Parking Lot
Cabot High School CHAMPS Building & Courtyard (401 North Lincoln Street) - Bus Pick Up In Front and Courtyard Behind
Please Note:
If a student checked out a Chromebook from the district, you will not have to do anything. The device will connect and work just like it would at school.
If a student is using a personal device, please follow these instructions.
You can access the free WiFi while sitting in your vehicle. Some outdoor seating areas will be available at these locations. However, please remember to utilize social distancing practices to help us provide a safe and healthy environment.
*The Cabot Public Library also has free WiFi in its parking lot. It is available 24/7.