UPDATED- Drive-Through Chromebook Distribution Center & WiFi Access
March 30, 2020

UPDATED with Questions & Answers!
Q: If I have kids with multiple last names, do I come multiple times?
A: No. The numbers were pulled by Parent Last Name. The parent should come on the day for their last name. We will distribute to all their students at that time.
Q: I am working during my time. What do I do?
A: Come whatever day you can. We want your student to get a Chromebook to work on.
Q: Must my child be present with me to receive a Chromebook?
A: No, but you must give their name and school information to receive a Chromebook for them.
Q: I did not fill out the form. Will my child still receive a device if they need one?
We hope this helps!
We understand not every child has access to Wi-Fi or a device. Our Technology Department has worked on a plan to support our families and their at-home learning experience.
If you are a family that does not have access to an internet-ready device (laptop, tablet, iPad, iPhone, etc.) the district will be issuing Chromebooks to actively enrolled students in need of equipment.
A drive-through Chromebook Distribution Center will be set up at Cabot Junior High North located at 38 Spirit Drive.
Wednesday, April 1
Last names beginning with A-C from 8-11am
Last names beginning with D-G from 12-3pm
Thursday, April 2
Last names beginning with H-L from 8-11am
Last names beginning with M-R from 12-3pm
Friday, April 3
Last names beginning with S-T from 8-11am
Last names beginning with U-Z from 12-3pm
Friday, April 3
For any parent/guardian who hasn't been able to make it to one of our daytime pick up times: 5-6 pm
Please pull in through the student pick up/drop off lane. You will be required to complete a student check out form at the time of pick up.
We understand a household may have more than one student or that a parent working from home may be unable to lend their device to their child. We hope that by issuing one Chromebook per student instead of one per family will help alleviate any stress in completing AMI work.
It is important to note that the district loaner devices do not have any special software installed. Any computer you have at home will also work for distance learning. Students will only be directed to resources available through any standard internet browser.
*If you did not fill out our technology survey in regards to having access to a device, you can still be issued a Chromebook by coming to the distribution center at your designated date and time listed above.
Where can I access free WiFi if I do not have internet access at home?
Beginning Monday, April 6th from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., WiFi spots will be available in the parking lots of Magness Creek Elementary, Ward Central Elementary, Southside Elementary, CHAMPS HALL and the courtyard at Cabot High School.
Some outdoor seating areas will be available at these locations. However, please remember to utilize social distancing practices to help us provide a safe and healthy environment.
*The Cabot Public Library also has free WiFi in its parking lot. It is available 24/7.