COVID-19 — UPDATE — 3/19/2020
March 19, 2020

Dear Panther Families,
We hope everyone has been doing well considering this time of uncertainty. We continue to monitor the latest developments related to COVID-19 and will keep you updated with any necessary information.
First of all, we would like to thank our staff, volunteers, and community for coming together to provide for our Panther families during this situation. Our educators are doing a great job staying connected with our students.
Remember, if you have any questions related to AMI work, feel free to email your teacher as soon as possible since we are heading into Spring Break. You can also email your building administrators if you have any concerns.
Click HERE for a link to our staff directory.
Here is also a link to K-4 AMI assignments that were sent home.
*5th & 6th grade AMI assignments are available through Edulastics.
*7th-12th grade AMI assignments are available through Google Classroom.
Parents, there are many vendors that may be offering free access to educational tools at this time. However, please be wary of those asking for you to submit credit card information to set up accounts. There is the potential that once the "free" access expires, you could be billed if you don't cancel in a certain amount of time, according to their policy.
Since Monday, March 16, we have distributed more than 1,200 meals to our students and families. Thank you to everyone who contributed, especially our Food Services Department.
Remember, Lunchbox Connection will be providing free dinners to our district families during Spring Break, March 23-27, from 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. at Renew Community Church. These meals will be Take-Out Only.
Unless otherwise directed by Governor Hutchinson, the Arkansas Department of Health, and the Arkansas Department of Education, students will return to class on Monday, March 30. If the Centers for Disease Control guidance changes, then the governor has stated that plans would be evaluated again. In the event we are unable to return on March 30, the district is working on instructional plans for the continuation of AMI days.
We understand this ever-evolving situation can not only be stressful to you as adults but also for children. The following are resources on how to help talk to your kids about coronavirus and how to help them manage stress and anxiety.
Here is also a list of resources where you can find reliable information regarding COVID-19 and the situation in Arkansas.
World Health Organization -
Arkansas Department of Health -
Finally, please remember, it is imperative that families stay connected with us since information is constantly changing. The latest information will be posted on our website, and on our social media pages (Facebook: Cabot Public School District and Twitter @cabotsd).
We also have a special webpage designated for the latest information.
We will also be utilizing our automated messaging system when necessary. You can also download our free Cabot Public Schools app to stay updated on the latest school information.