COVID-19 — UPDATE - Friday, March 13
March 13, 2020

As of Friday afternoon, March 13th, we have not received an order by the Governor to close school next week.
Please remember, the decision to close districts related to COVID-19 is being made solely by the Arkansas Department of Health and the Arkansas Department of Education.
At this time, we do not have the local power to close school without a directive from the state. Governor Hutchinson proclaimed the Secretary of Health and the Secretary of Education have the sole authority to close public school campuses in regard to coronavirus.
We remain in contact with the state regarding this situation and next steps. In the meantime, the district is implementing several new changes next week out of an abundance of caution for our students and staff. We appreciate the support and patience of our parents.
Questions & Answers
What about attendance next week?
While school is scheduled to be in regular session next week, we understand that we may have some parents/guardians and students with extenuating health circumstances. Please contact your building administrator on Monday to share your concerns. We will work to accommodate our families, but we will continue with school unless directed otherwise.
Why am I receiving AMI work?
In the event there is a school closure, we wanted to be proactive. All AMI work/instructions are expected to go home with your student today. Again, just in case of a school closure your student will know what is expected and everyone will be more prepared when we reconvene. If we remain open, then this will just be a preview of the assignments that will be accomplished in the coming days. If you have any questions regarding AMI work, feel free to contact your building administrator or student's teacher.
What about Parent/Teacher conferences?
Parent/Teacher conferences will be handled differently next week. They will still be held Tuesday, March 17 and Thursday, March 19 from 3:15 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., however, they will be conducted via email/school phone/Skype, etc.
Your school will share more information with you on this soon.
Remember, the district will still dismiss early at 3:00 p.m. on both parent/teacher conference days. There is no school Friday, March 20. Spring Break begins March 23-27.
School Visitors?
While we certainly love our parents visiting their children at school, please understand that outside visitors to our campus will be limited to the office area. Parents may not eat lunch with their children next week. Parents are welcome to check their child out for lunch if they choose to do so. Again, we apologize for this inconvenience but we must remain proactive for the safety of our students and staff.
What about sporting events?
The Arkansas Activities Association has suspended all spring sports and activities starting Sunday, March 15 until Monday, March 30. On Monday, March 30, AAA will reassess the COVID-19 situation and announce further plans. This means all our school baseball, softball, soccer, and track events that fall on these dates have been canceled.
What about cleaning efforts?
Our custodial staff remains vigilant in their sanitation efforts and has been taking extra precautions in thoroughly cleaning all our classrooms, buildings, and buses. They will continue to do so and will be sanitizing our district when students are on Spring Break as well.
What can parents do to talk to their kids about COVID-19?
Many parents may now be wondering how to address this issue with their students in a reassuring way. The American School Counselor Association has provided this kid-friendly video to help children understand the coronavirus.
The following are additional resources to help you discuss this with your child.
Talking with children about Coronavirus Disease 2019: Messages for parents, school staff, and others working with children.
National Association of School Psychologists - Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource
What else can parents do?
We are encouraging our students, staff, and families to be mindful of key preventive measures. To reduce the risk for getting and spreading viral respiratory infections, including the flu and common cold, these simple steps are encouraged:
• Stay home when sick
• Frequent handwashing with soap and water (20 seconds)
• Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
• Cover mouth when coughing or sneezing, cough into elbow
In addition, please remember that if children are sick, they should not be at school. Students need to be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to class after any illness. Keeping children home when they are sick is critical to prevention.
Families may visit the following websites for more information regarding COVID-19 coronavirus.
Arkansas Department of Health
Centers for Disease Control