2020 Basketball Senior Night Recognitions
February 27, 2020

The last home basketball game was an exciting one for many reasons. Cabot played top team Ft. Smith Northside in a packed arena (the Panthers won 55-54 in overtime) and 50 seniors were recognized during "CHS Senior Night."
Over the past three years at Cabot High School, these recognized seniors have given countless hours in athletic and extra-curricular activities.
Congratulations senior ROTC, basketball, cheer, and dance athletes!
These seniors will soon graduate (May 15th at Verizon Arena) and move on to the next phase in their lives. Congratulations once again!
John Breedlove, Robert Bucklin, Jacob Davis, Logan Davis, Cole Disney, Justin Dobbs, Riley Dunham, Frankie Fuentes, Preston Gray, Jadon Hewitt, Faith Holman, David Jensen, August Kelly, Katy Kelly, Sandra Hendrickson, Kelsie Lawhon, Joshua Leech, Danny Lemons, Clayton Parchman, Christian Pittman, Aidan Porter, Ethan Rinehart, Brandon Simmons, Emma Steffen, and Orion Westergren
CHS Boys Basketball:
Jacob Hudson, Jackson Muse, Jordan Rainey, Ethan Rosenbaum, Seth Vance, and Weston Vaught. Connor Kennedy, Manager
CHS Girls Basketball:
Izzy Arnold, Emily Belin, Shy Christopher, Khristian Mcdonald, Hannah Ogilvie, and Johanna Wolter. Patricia Gonzalez and Maddie Scott, Managers
CHS Cheer Team:
Katelyn Elliott, Chloe Ezell, Jaden Hendrix, Angelina Howard, Joseph Skinner, and Abby Smith
CHS Dance Team:
Chloe Hefley, Ashlynn Pickard, Diamond Roby, and Lauren Underwood
Senior Night!!pic.twitter.com/IMfGlK0NDz
— Cabot Athletic Dept. (@CabotAthDept) February 25, 2020
What a GREAT game! Congratulations @PantherCabot https://t.co/qwmbWydx0G
— Cabot Athletic Dept. (@CabotAthDept) February 26, 2020