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Cabot Archery Sweeps State's First 3D Regional Tournament

February 26, 2020

The Cabot Archery Program recently participated in Arkansas's first 3D Regional Competition at Lyon College in Batesville. They did an outstanding job sweeping the tournament! 

Senior Division TEAMS:
1st place: CHS scored 1,544 out of 1800
2nd place: CFA scored 1,513 out of 1800

2nd place girls:  Kiya Miller (10th)

1st place male:  Colton Wilson (11th)
2nd place male:  Jackson Jolley (10th)
3rd place male:   Braden Lee (9th)
4th place male:  Seth Stark (9th)

Middle Division TEAMS:
1st:  CJHN scored 1,514 out of 1800 beating CJHS by a single point
2nd:  CJHS scored 1,513 out of 1800

1st place girls:   Rebecca Bedoya (7th-North)
2nd place girls:  Samantha Hawkins (8th - North)
3rd place girls:  Alyssa Murray (7th - South)

1st place boys:  Evan Jenkins (8th - North)
2nd place boys:  Reece Holler (8th - South)
3rd place boys:  Brooks Johnson (8th - South)

We are very proud of our archers!  They have state competition for Bullseye on March 6th-7th in Hot Springs and 3D on March 28th at Lyon College in Batesville.

Cabot Archery State 3D Regional Tournament

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