Annual School Election 2020: Cabot Schools Millage Rate to Stay Same
February 18, 2020

Early voting has begun in the 2020 Preferential Primary Election and Annual School Election. On the ballot, you will see a section regarding the Cabot School District.
Please understand, the district is NOT proposing a change to the current millage rate.
According to Article 14, Section 3 of the Arkansas Constitution, millage rates are required to be on the ballot at least once a year in every Arkansas school district, regardless of whether a district is seeking any change in its rate.
If a district is seeking no change in its tax rate, as is the case with our district, residents vote on the current tax rate. The previous year millage rate always takes precedence regardless of the outcome of the vote.
The 39.5 mill property-tax rate is the current rate in the Cabot School District.
Another note: Sarah Owen is running unopposed for Position 4 on the Cabot School Board. A Cabot School Board member term is five years.