December 2019 School Board Meeting Recognition
January 8, 2020

A Cabot High School senior/AFJROTC cadet was recognized at the December school board meeting for going above and beyond to help his fellow peers and their families.
David Jensen recently made a big delivery to Cabot High School. He unloaded more than 600 pounds of food from his mom's vehicle and donated the items to the CHS Food Pantry. That's right, more than 600 pounds!
David said it all began with a sign he noticed in the media center asking students to help fill the pantry. By doing little odd jobs to earn money, shopping and buying items on his own, to holding a front porch food drive in his own neighborhood, David collected the items to help students in need and their families.
What makes this story even more heartwarming is that David is autistic. David says, “It's what we're supposed to do. We're made to do it.” His mom and therapists couldn't be prouder and have seen major progress this year with David.
David's story is already inspiring others. The Matthew Brown Agency/Farmers Insurance, Venture Realty Group, and First Arkansas Bank & Trust donated at total of $550 to the pantry in honor of David.
Congratulations David on being recognized by the Cabot School board and thank you for your generosity and inspiring others to give back.