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U of A Presents Scholarships to National Merit Semifinalists 2020

October 10, 2019

The University of Arkansas at Fayetteville presented each of our Cabot High School National Merit Semifinalists with the Chancellor's Scholarship. Each scholarship is for $8,000 a year for four years totaling $32,000.

If a student achieves National Merit Finalist and makes the U of A their first choice, they will receive the Chancellor's Merit Scholarship and an extra $2,000 a year for a grand total of $40,000.

Many of these students will be also competitive for one of the Honors Colleges prestigious Fellowships that pay $18,000 a year!

Congratulations to our five National Merit Semifinalists!

Zachary Wilmoth, Ethan Peck, Madeline Johnson, Alexis Urquhart, and Eliana Pray


Vision & Mission

The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
dignity and respect, and adapt successfully to the demands of the rapidly changing society.

The Cabot School District is committed to
"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."