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School Report Cards Released for 2018-2019

October 10, 2019

The Arkansas Department of Education's Division of Elementary and Secondary Education just released the 2019 federal and state accountability reports for public schools.

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) School Index measures achievement and growth, school quality and student success indicators, as well as graduation rates.

Each school is assigned an overall letter grade. Cabot Public Schools is proud to celebrate that the majority of our schools received A and B ratings for the 2018-2019 school year. 

A Rating B Rating C Rating

Eastside Elementary

Mountain Springs Elementary

Central Elementary

Magness Elementary

Northside Elementary


Stagecoach Elementary

Southside Elementary


Ward Central Elementary

Cabot Middle School South


Westside Elementary

Cabot Freshman Academy


Cabot Middle School North

Cabot High School


Cabot Junior High North



Cabot Junior High South


What is most impressive is that Ward Central Elementary improved from a C to an A rating! In fact, Ward Central's overall ESSA School Index Score increased tremendously ranking them the 8th highest in the state for improvement. Stagecoach Elementary ranked 15th highest in the state, jumping from a B rating to an A rating, as did Westside Elementary!

When it comes to an individual student's growth, schools that report a growth score of 80, are schools where students, on average, are growing and learning as expected. Three of our schools achieved ABOVE 80 and have been recognized for accelerated student learning. That includes Ward Central Elementary (2nd highest in the state), Stagecoach Elementary (9th highest in the state), and Westside Elementary (10th highest in the state).

Congratulations also go out to these schools for retaining their A ratings: Cabot Junior High South, Cabot Junior High North, Cabot Middle School North, Eastside Elementary, and Magness Creek Elementary. 

Cabot Public Schools is extremely proud of our schools and our scores but we are equally focused on areas in which we can improve. 

All stakeholders, including students, parents, educators, and community members are encouraged to review their schools' data. You can do so by visiting

Together, we will continue to have a laser-like focus on student achievement for every child. In everything we do, “BEST IS THE STANDARD.”

*Additional information about Arkansas' ESSA plan and informational documents are available on the DESE website.

How to View the School Report Card within My School Info

Vision & Mission

The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
dignity and respect, and adapt successfully to the demands of the rapidly changing society.

The Cabot School District is committed to
"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."