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CHS Marching Band Makes School History With First BOA Performance

September 23, 2019

The 2019 Spirit of Cabot Competitive Marching Band made school history recently by performing for the first time ever at a Bands of America Regional Marching Championship! The competition took place in Louisville, Kentucky. More than two-hundred members participated.

The band presented their show “Odorable” and walked away with an outstanding 3rd Place finish in Class 4A! Thirty-two bands from across the country competed, including groups that placed in the Top 5 in the nation, as well as the reigning National Champion.


The CHS Marching Band and directors would like to thank our Cabot School Board, administration, faculty, staff, and band family for the opportunity to compete in the BOA Regional. From flower props being painted by CHS art students and teachers, to props being built by stagecraft students and teachers, to the agri-metal classes, and many more, the 211 students who attended this event along with their band directors are very grateful to have represented Cabot Public Schools.

The band would also like to thank the Cabot Freshman Academy and junior high band staff for supporting our football and spirit squads at last Friday night's game while they were at the competition. The non-competitive CHS band students were joined by the CFA band and performed in the stands and on the track for the crowds.

Congratulations again to the CHS Competitive Marching Band. We are extremely proud of the hard work they have put in since April.

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The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
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"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."