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Panther Stadium Safety, Security, and Student Conduct Guidelines

September 10, 2019

The Cabot School District security and administration teams have been preparing for Friday night football games at Panther Stadium. The first home game of the season is this Friday, September 13th, and attendees, especially students, will be expected to adhere to new safety and security guidelines. 

Attendees are no longer allowed to congregate in front of the concession stand and behind the stadium bleachers. We are one of the few school districts in the state that have allowed in and out of district students to congregate in this manner, and it has become a safety and security issue. It has also become difficult for fans to access the concession and restroom areas due to number of people congregating in this very confined area.  

All attendees will now be required to sit in the bleachers. This will allow our administrators and security team to provide appropriate supervision.  Administration and security will be closely monitoring these areas to ensure that everyone complies with these guidelines.  Anyone that chooses not to cooperate or is disruptive in any way will be asked to leave the stadium and will not be allowed to attend any events at Panther Stadium for the remainder of the season.  

Administrators have also worked closely with student leadership at Cabot High School regarding this issue. The leadership team is excited about a new designated student section called, “The Panther Pit.” Only current CHS students will have access to “The Panther Pit” which will be located directly behind the goal post near the front entrance to the stadium.  Seating has been provided in this area to allow for more seating in the bleachers.  

We appreciate your understanding and continued support for our Cabot Panthers. Friday night football at Panther Stadium is second only to graduation as the largest events we host. We want to make sure all our Panther fans feel safe, secure, and right at home at Panther Stadium.

Thank you again for your support. Go Panthers!

Vision & Mission

The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
dignity and respect, and adapt successfully to the demands of the rapidly changing society.

The Cabot School District is committed to
"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."