Cabot Archery Competes at Nationals 2019
May 16, 2019

Cabot Archery Program competed for the 5th year in a row at Nationals, held in Louisville, Kentucky. Sixty-nine archers across four campuses shot in Traditional Bullseye and/or 3D competition on Thursday, May 9th. This year all four campuses were represented in our first attempt at IBO-3D National Tournament!
Cabot High School scored 3,278 points for Bullseye (possible 3600) - with 149 bullseyes on the team! Emma Everett (11th) was our top archer in this event, scoring 290 points, (w/ 22 bullseyes), and she was followed by Hunter Woerner (12th) who scored 283 points, (w/17 bullseyes).
Cabot High School shot IBO-3D Tournament at Nationals for the first time this year! The team began shooting just a couple of months ago competitively. This team event consists of only six team members scores. The scores must include two females and two males, then whomever ranks highest follows. So proud of our 1,606 points/1800 points! Gabe Osbon was CHS top score in 3D with 280 points! He was followed by Dylan Skinner, shooting 270 points! These students shot back-to-back tournaments. Nearly 2 hours straight! Very impressed with the efforts of our two high school teams!
Cabot Freshman Academy competed against CHS and all other 9-12 campuses in the nation in both divisions! Very proud of their score of 3,169 points/3600 points for Bullseye Tournament! They had a total of 110-bullseyes! Jackson Jolley shot 279 points w/16 bullseyes! Ethan Darcey barely came in 2nd to Jackson - his scored tied Jackson's 279, but Ethan had 15 bullseyes! Way to go CFA!
CFA also shot a team of archers in IBO-3D Tournament. The team shot a total of 1,534 points/1800 points! They have only shot 3D for a couple of months! Jackson again brought home the top score of 277 points and he was followed by Kahner Murray with 276 points! So proud of these 9th graders! This is the first time CFA has qualified for Nationals independently! Not to mention, they also shot back-to-back tournaments! Amazing!
Cabot Junior High South shot in the IBO-3D Tournament in the Middle Level division, and received a score of 1,490 points/1800 points nailing 48 bullseyes as a team! They only started shooting that style shortly before the State 3D Tournament. They scored higher than they did when they came in 2nd place at the first ever State 3D tournament about a month ago. Hunter Garriga (8th) - top archer - shot 256 points w/5 bullseyes, and Braden Lee ranked 2nd on the team with 253 points and 12 bullseyes! Great Job!
Cabot Junior High North shot both divisions - Bullseye and IBO-3D. CJHN did have one flight, (1 hr), between the two tournaments, but their arms were weary even with the wait time. They shot 3,044 points for Bullseye Tournament and the team had a total of 88 bullseyes! Seth Stark (8th) - top archer - shot 275 points w/ 13 bullseyes, and our 2nd place archer, Bethany Myrick scored 266 points w/ 12 bullseyes. CJHN also shot IBO-3D and scored 1,484 points/ 1800 points!
Top archer in 3D was Seth Stark scoring 288 points with 22 bullseyes, with Hailey Drews following behind with 251 points!
Our very own SETH STARK ranked TENTH in the nation in IBO-3D Archery for Middle Level Division and he is ranked 50th in the nation for ALL BOYS! FANTASTIC JOB SETH!
Proud to see these students come together and enjoy this rewarding sport!
Thank you to Jill Meyer for the fantastic photos!