Secondary Summer School 2019
April 2, 2019

Registration forms for secondary summer school (7th-12th grades) are now available in the Counseling Centers at Cabot Junior High North, Cabot Junior High South, Cabot Freshman Academy, ACE (Academic Center of Excellence), ACE North, and Cabot High School.
There is a separate registration packet for P.E. P.E students should complete both registration packets.
Forms and payment must be turned in to the Counseling Center of your student's school. Checks can be made payable to Cabot Public Schools.
Summer School Dates:
Monday, June 3, 2019 – Friday, June 28, 2019
M-Th 8:00-2:30, F 8:00-11:00
Location: ACE (Academic Center of Excellence) 21 Funtastic Drive, across from the waterpark on Hwy 321
The deadline to register is May 30, 2019
Math, English, and History credit recovery courses are being offered. Students who have completed the 8th grade may enroll in Health and/or PE for high school credit.
For more information and to print out a Registration Form, click HERE.
Click HERE for a P.E. Registration Form.