You Matter, You Are Enough T-Shirt Project Pays It Forward to Carlisle
February 22, 2019

Our Cabot High School students and counselors spread the positive message that everyone is valuable to Carlisle High School students.
Recently, a group of students and CHS counselors traveled to Carlisle High School to share their message, “You Matter, You Are Enough.” You may remember, last November every 10th, 11th, and 12th grade student at Cabot High School was gifted with an “I AM ENOUGH” t-shirt, thanks to Cabot businesses, organizations, individual community members, students, and teachers. Each shirt was individually wrapped with a student's name and a motivational phrase. The project was the idea of Lead Counselor Barbara Miller.
Students and counselors decided to take the project a step further and wanted to “Pay It Forward” to Carlisle. Just like our community raised money for our student shirts, the Carlisle community raised money for their shirts. However, our Cabot High School students and staff volunteered to create a video, sort the shirts, and pass them out to Carlisle High School students.
This wonderful act of kindness was well received and the Carlisle Basketball Team, student section, and dance team wore their new shirts at that night's basketball game. They even vowed they would “Pay It Forward.”
Thank you Cabot High School students and staff for being outstanding role models and helping spread the message that “You Matter, You Are Enough.”