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Bank of LR Mortgage Gives to Cabot Schools

October 8, 2012

The Arkansas Rice Depot sponsors a backpack program that provides students in need with non-perishable food items to take home over the weekend.

Bank of Little Rock Mortgage and our local Cabot Civitan Club 'adopted' Westside Elementary for one year by generously donating $2,400 ($1,200 each) for items used to stock the backpacks each weekend.


Bank of Little Rock Mortgage Cabot Branch Manager Steve Jackson stated, "Hunger in our school children is an issue the community of Cabot can not tolerate. Bank of Little Rock Mortgage and Cabot Civitan will continue to do their part to meet the needs of our kids."

Above picture - front row: Pat Graham (Civitan), Marye Jane Brockinton (WS-APIF), Lisa York (WS- P), Kelly Nolting (Civitan), Sandra Bilberry (Civitan)

Back Row: Steve Jackson (Civitan and Bank of LR Mortgage), Michele French (Elementary Curriculum and RTI Coordinator), Brenda Phillips (WS - Counselor), Terena Woodruff (Director Counseling/Student Relations), Robert Ashmore (WS - Watch DOG Dad), Sean Culbertson (WS - Watch DOG Dad), Sandra Bailey (WS - Custodian), Jerry Hubman (Rice Depot Driver)


Rice Depot

Vision & Mission

The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
dignity and respect, and adapt successfully to the demands of the rapidly changing society.

The Cabot School District is committed to
"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."