Being a Teenager is Hard: Depression Awareness
February 11, 2016
Letter from Dr. Thurman:
We know teenagers are under constant stress. Believe me, I know. I have two teenagers of my own. It's hard to avoid the pressures of being liked, doing well in school, or even getting along with family and friends.
Teen depression is a serious mental health problem. Unfortunately, it can sometimes be so overwhelming that some teens consider suicide as the only option.
It's devastating to learn about the loss of a child, by any means, and our hearts break for the families involved. At the same time, we try to be supportive of our students. We want to help them cope with their feelings, and if a student does take their own life, minimize the risk of suicide contagion.
That's why we've decided it's time to do something. We want to stop the rumors and focus on being proactive, but we need help. It's going to take everyone in this community working together to do what's best for our children. The Cabot School District is dedicated to educating our students about teen depression and the resources available.
On Wednesday, district administrators met with a team of therapists and a representative from the Arkansas Suicide Prevention Council to develop an action plan.
In the coming weeks, students in 7-12 grades will be participating in the "More Than Sad" program. Programs are also being developed for students in grades K-6. Parents will be invited to participate in the same program one evening as well. As soon as everything is finalized, details will be posted on our district website, Facebook and Twitter.
The Cabot School District has also launched a new web page at about teen mental health issues and depression. There students and parents can find information including a parent's guide and hotline numbers to call in case you or someone you know needs help.
A link to the site can be found on the bottom right hand side of the homepage. It can also be found under resources for Parents and Students and by clicking on Administration and scrolling down to Being a Teenager is Hard: Depression Awareness.
Mental health problems are real, painful, and sometimes severe. It isn't a weakness or something that can be overcome with willpower. It may require long term treatment.
We are all in this business because we love kids. Our mission as a school district is to not only provide a great academic experience, but to show our students that they are loved, appreciated, and valued.
Dr. Thurman