2015 Cabot Homecoming Details
October 6, 2015

It's that time of year when our schools and community celebrate Homecoming Week!
October 12th - October 17th is a fun filled week that includes themed days, a school pep rally, community parade, football game and a homecoming dance.
The fun kicks off with Spirit Week! It's a great way for students to show their school spirit leading up to the Friday night football game. Cabot High School students will celebrate spirit week with the following themed days:
Cabot High School Homecoming Theme 2015: The Exodus of the Tigers
Monday, October 12 - "Class Pride" (Green Sophomores | Blue Juniors | Purple Seniors)
Tuesday, October 13 - " Tacky Tourist" (Tropic Like it's Hot)
Wednesday, October 14 - "Character Day" (Exciting Egyptian, Wild West, Disney Dreams...What will you come up with?)
Thursday, October 15 - 'Decade Day" (What Decade will you represent?)
Friday, October 16 - "Panther Pride Day" (Bling it up Red & White)
*Saturday, October 17 - "A Night on the Nile" CHS Homecoming Dance*
"Red and White Day:" Friday, October 16th everyone is encouraged to show their Panther Pride by wearing "Red and White." Students and staff will be joining in on the fun and we'd love for this to be a community wide celebration.
Click HERE for the "Red and White Day" flyer.
Homecoming Pep Rally: A pep rally will be held Friday, October 16th at 1:00 p.m. in Panther Arena. This is where all the Sweehearts and Homecoming Royalty will be announced.
2015 CHS Homecoming Royalty
Seniors: Back Row L to R: Autumn Romines, Christian Weatherley, Sarah Davis, Emma Reed, Julia Bielanin, Ana Covington
Front Row L to R: Amelia Mackey, Zoe Eddington, Kyla Soden, Audrey Lightfoot, Savanna Young, Kyndall Best
Juniors: L to R: Faith Ball, Blair Pryor, Calista Farinelli, Lexi Robertson
Sophomores: L to R: Peyton Davis, Katelynn Tyner, Bailey Weathers, Lili Borvornpadungkitti
Homecoming Parade: The community homecoming parade will be at 3:45 p.m. and will travel on Hwy 89 to Panther Trail. Click HERE for details and float entry. (District dismissal will be at 2:15pm)
Homecoming Football Game: The Cabot Panthers will play Little Rock Central Friday, October 16th at 7:00 p.m. at Panther Stadium. Admission is $5.00 and gates will open at 5:00 p.m.
Homecoming Dance: A dance will be Saturday, October 17th from 7:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. in the CHS cafeteria for Cabot students. Tickets are $5.00 and can be purchased all week in the cafeteria and at the door the night of dance. Dress is: Formal, Semi-Formal or Casual - the choice is up to you, students are encouraged to come and have a good time! Homecoming T-Shirts for sale! Click HERE for an order form or to purchase shirts online click HERE. (Shirts will be on sale from Oct. 7 thru Oct. 10)