Nominees for Cabot Public Schools Teacher of the Year 2025
February 4, 2025

Congratulations to these outstanding educators for being nominated for Cabot Public Schools Teacher of the Year 2025!
Nearly 500 educators were nominated by their supervisors, colleagues, parents, students, staff, and community members.
All certified nominees are eligible to apply for their school level Teacher of the Year award. School level winners will be announced in late February.
Congratulations again to all the nominees. We are Panther Proud of your recognition!
Laura Abbott - Cabot Middle School North
Misty Abston - Magness Creek Elementary
Justin Acree - Cabot Freshman Academy
Teresa Adams - Cabot Middle School South
Amy Adams - Eastside Elementary
Casey Adams - Ward Central Elementary
Jamie Allen - Cabot Junior High North
Kristi Altstock - Mountain Springs Elementary
Jessica Arellanes - Cabot Junior High South
Thom Asewicz - Central Elementary
Maggie Ashburn - Cabot High School
Stacy Babb - Westside Elementary
John Bailey - Cabot High School
Jane Balgavy - Cabot Freshman Academy
Terry Ball - Cabot Freshman Academy
Faith Ballard - Mountain Springs Elementary
Emily Banks - Cabot Junior High North
Paxton Barker - Cabot Middle School North
Amber Barnes - Southside Elementary
Ellen Barnett - Mountain Springs Elementary
McKala Barnett - Ward Central Elementary
Melissa Barry - Cabot Junior High South
Brittany Bartley - Westside Elementary
Wendy Bass - Ward Central Elementary
Ronnie Bates - Mountain Springs Elementary
Tabitha Beanland - Central Elementary
Ashley Beaston - Cabot Freshman Academy
Tawny Beaulieu - Cabot High School
Josh Bemus - Cabot Freshman Academy
Michelle Benson - Cabot High School
Caleb Benson - Cabot Junior High North
Jessica Benson - Cabot Learning Academy
Hannah Benton - Magness Creek Elementary
Linda Bevis - Cabot Freshman Academy
Ally Bevis - Southside Elementary
April Bevis - Southside Elementary
Hannah Binyon - Cabot High School
Debby Blankenship - Cabot Middle School North
Melani Blansett - Cabot High School
Stephanie Bostick - Cabot Middle School North
Cheyenne Bowerman - Cabot Middle School North
Stephanie Bowers - Stagecoach Elementary
Angie Bowman - Cabot Junior High North
Joey Bowman - Cabot Junior High North
Zachary Boyd - Cabot High School
Erin Bradley - Central Elementary
Stacey Brantley - Ward Central Elementary
Brooklyn Bridges - Southside Elementary
Ben Brockinton - Cabot Freshman Academy
Lindsay Brockinton - Cabot Freshman Academy
Cynthia Brown - Cabot High School
Roy Brown - Cabot Junior High South
Paige Brown - Cabot Middle School North
Cynnamon Brown - Cabot Middle School South
Kara Brown - Mountain Springs Elementary
Karen Bryan - Westside Elementary
Jennifer Bryant - Cabot Freshman Academy
Heather Buchman - Magness Creek Elementary
Melissa Bulice - Central Elementary
Taylor Bunting - Cabot Junior High North
Chad Burke - Cabot High School
Tara Burke - Ward Central Elementary
Rhonda Burlin - Cabot High School
Adana Buttrum - Cabot Middle School South
Emily Cain - Magness Creek Elementary
Karen Cambridge - Cabot Middle School South
Cindy Campbell - Westside Elementary
Bridgette Cardona - Stagecoach Elementary
Ashley Carlisle - Magness Creek Elementary
Sara Carr - Mountain Springs Elementary
Brooke Carter - Cabot Middle School North
Samantha Carter - Stagecoach Elementary
Robin Casteel - Stagecoach Elementary
Stacy Cates - Cabot Freshman Academy
Amy Champlin - Eastside Elementary
Kham Chanthaphasouk - Cabot Freshman Academy
Courtney Childs - Eastside Elementary
Tonya Choate - Cabot Middle School North
Anna Cimino - Magness Creek Elementary
Jason Clark - Cabot Freshman Academy
Rachel Clawson - Eastside Elementary
Jennifer Claypoole - Ward Central Elementary
Sydney Cobb - Cabot Junior High North
Annsley Coleman - Cabot Junior High North
De Collie - Westside Elementary
Bailey Collins - Cabot High School
Kendra Colston - Cabot Middle School South
Jazmyn Conner - Southside Elementary
Jennifer Cook - Cabot Middle School North
Nikki Cook - Cabot Middle School South
Stacy Cook - Westside Elementary
Amanda Coombe - Cabot High School
Debbie Cooper - Stagecoach Elementary
Lacy Copley - Cabot Freshman Academy
Susan Corn - Cabot Middle School North
Kristy Cotillier - Southside Elementary
Anna Cullum - Stagecoach Elementary
Amanda Curtright - Stagecoach Elementary
Candice Cutrone - Cabot Middle School North
Ryan Davenport - Cabot Middle School South
Nicole Davis - Cabot High School
Jayna Davis - Cabot Middle School South
Jamie DiFlorio -Cabot Middle School North
Charity Dixon - Cabot Middle School South
Hannah Driskill - Southside Elementary
Barry Duncan - Cabot Freshman Academy
Suzanna Duncan - Cabot Middle School South
Lindsey Duncan - Southside Elementary
Tina Dunn - Southside Elementary
Jas Dysmas - Cabot High School
Alison Estrada - Ward Central Elementary
Emily Evans - Central Elementary
Brooke Fitch - Eastside Elementary
Susie Fleming - Cabot Junior High North
Natalie Flemming - Cabot Junior High South
Lauren Flowers - Magness Creek Elementary
Benjamin Ford - Cabot Junior High North
Susan Ford - Cabot Junior High South
Stephanie Ford - Cabot Middle School North
Kaycee Ford - Ward Central Elementary
Kylee Fortner - Cabot Freshman Academy
Angela Fortson - Central Elementary
Jana Foster - Cabot Middle School South
Amy Frye - Cabot Middle School North
Brigette Fuhrman - Stagecoach Elementary
Daniel Fuller - Cabot Middle School South
Kelli Fulton - Cabot High School
Caroline Gairhan - Stagecoach Elementary
Angie Gaston - Central Elementary
Jennie Gates - Eastside Elementary
Sean Gibson - Cabot High School
Morgan Gill - Cabot Middle School South
Ciara Glass - Cabot Freshman Academy
Nichole Glass - Cabot Middle School North
Dylan Glover - Cabot High School
Hope Glover - Cabot Middle School North
Laura Glover - Cabot Middle School North
Elaine Goertzen - Cabot Middle School South
Derrek Goff - Cabot High School
Ashley Gonyea - Eastside Elementary
Melonie Gonzalez - Cabot Freshman Academy
Helen Goodman - Cabot High School
Skylar Graham - Cabot High School
Elise Gray - Cabot Freshman Academy
Kristen Green - Cabot Middle School South
Kathleen Greene - Cabot High School
Deborah Grimes - Stagecoach Elementary
Sidney Grisham - Magness Creek Elementary
Kera Gross - Southside Elementary
Christine Guenard - Cabot High School
Katie Hague - Cabot Middle School South
Sharon Hale - Cabot Middle School North
Cori Haley - Southside Elementary
Melanie Hamilton - Cabot Middle School North
Vanessa Hamilton - Stagecoach Elementary
Kaitlin Hancock - Cabot Freshman Academy
Ashley Hancock - Cabot Junior High South
Nick Hancok - Southside Elementary
Robert Hanle - Stagecoach Elementary
Tori Hanley - Eastside Elementary
Erica Hann - Cabot Freshman Academy
Brandi Harbour - Mountain Springs Elementary
Kandace Hardcastle - Central Elementary
Cherie Harless - Cabot High School
Kimberly Harmon - Mountain Springs Elementary
Wesley Harrell - Southside Elementary
Casey Harris - Cabot Middle School South
Hannah Harris - Cabot Middle School South
Laura Harris - Eastside Elementary
Wendy Harris - Magness Creek Elementary
Rusty Hart - Cabot High School
Brent Hawley - Cabot Junior High South
Keith Hayes - Southside Elementary
Leigh Haynes - Cabot Middle School South
Rebekkah Hays - Cabot Freshman Academy
Myra Hernandez - Cabot High School
Laura Hicks - Cabot Junior High North
Erin Hicks - Northside Elementary
Jackie Higgins - Central Elementary
Jessica Hilbert - Cabot Junior High North
Kathy Hill - Westside Elementary
Sarah Hillenburg - Cabot High School
Lori Hines - Stagecoach Elementary
Emily Hipp - Central Elementary
Sharon Hobson - Magness Creek Elementary
Tracey Hodge - Cabot Freshman Academy
Geneva Hoffpauir - Cabot Middle School North
Nicole Holmes - Ward Central Elementary
Jennifer Holowell - Stagecoach Elementary
Rachel Hood - Cabot Middle School North
Jodi Hood - Westside Elementary
Kim Howey - Mountain Springs Elementary
Sierra Hurley - Cabot Middle School North
Maitland Hurley Webb - Ward Central Elementary
Cody Jackson - Cabot Freshman Academy
Dondra James - Cabot High School
Shasta Jarmon - Cabot Junior High South
Maggie Jeffers - Cabot Middle School South
Danielle Johns - Cabot High School
Charles Johnson - Cabot High School
Joan Johnson - Cabot High School
Melisa Johnson - Eastside Elementary
Kristy Johnson - Westside Elementary
Brian Jones - Cabot Junior High North
Julie Jones - Eastside Elementary
Kylie Jones - Southside Elementary
Liz Jones - Stagecoach Elementary
Meagan Joslin - Cabot Junior High North
Alison Joyner - Cabot Junior High North
Katherine Karkkainen - Cabot Junior High North
Adrianna Kaufman - Southside Elementary
Twyla Kester - Cabot High School
Jordan Kincheloe - Southside Elementary
Jordan Kinsey-Tenison - Cabot Freshman Academy
Christy Kittinger - Cabot Middle School South
Karen Klein - Cabot Middle School South
Ashlee Kulsa - Central Elementary
Jennifer Landers - Southside Elementary
Hope Larson - Cabot Middle School South
Tim Lawrence - Cabot Junior High North
Jamie Layes-Shelton - Cabot Freshman Academy
Sarah Lee - Cabot High School
Jessica Lehman - Cabot Middle School South
Sherri Leonard - Cabot Learning Academy
Ginger LeQuieu - Cabot Middle School North
Heather Leytham - Westside Elementary
Jamie Linderman - Magness Creek Elementary
Nicole Little - Central Elementary
Abbey Lundy - Cabot High School
Angel Lynch - Cabot High School
Michelle Lyons - Cabot Junior High North
Christy Lyons - Stagecoach Elementary
Emily Madar - Cabot Panther Academy
Rebecca Madding - Cabot Middle School South
Peggy Magdaleno - Cabot Junior High North
Matt Malham - Cabot Freshman Academy
Whitney Malham - Eastside Elementary
Julie Manuel - Cabot Middle School South
John Marsh - Cabot Junior High South
Shellah Marsh - Cabot Junior High South
Kaitlin Marshall - Cabot Junior High South
Mark Martin - Cabot Junior High South
Adria Martin - Stagecoach Elementary
Lisa Martinez - Central Elementary
Chuck Massey - Cabot Middle School South
Heather Mattera - Northside Elementary
Joseph Maxwell - Cabot High School
Skye Maxwell - Cabot Junior High North
Rhonda Maxwell - Ward Central Elementary
Aubrey May - Eastside Elementary
Rachel McAnulty - Magness Creek Elementary
Crystal McArthur - Central Elementary
Ashley McCarty - Cabot High School
Chloe McCarty - Southside Elementary
Chad McCoy - Cabot High School
Jesse McCoy - Cabot Middle School North
Ashley McDaniel - Cabot Middle School North
Kellie McDonald - Cabot Junior High South
Drew McDonnough - Cabot High School
Shola McFadden-Kittrell - Cabot Freshman Academy
Kelcie McGregor - Cabot Middle School South
Nolan McNiel - Cabot Middle School South
Edward Meharg - Cabot Middle School South
Renee Meigs - Cabot Middle School South
Lee Melder - Cabot High School
Katherine Melikian - Westside Elementary
Stephanie Merritt - Stagecoach Elementary
Ashley Missman - Central Elementary
Nicole Mogish - Eastside Elementary
Kelly Monroe - Cabot Junior High North
Lissa Monroe - Ward Central Elementary
Oriana Montoya-Banda - Cabot Middle School North
Brooke Moore - Ward Central Elementary
Ashley Morales - Magness Creek Elementary
Bailey Morgan - Central Elementary
Kathy Motes - Cabot Panther Academy
Hunter Mullin - Cabot Freshman Academy
Mary Murtishaw - Cabot High School
Ian Neiswender - Cabot Freshman Academy
Heather Nelson - Cabot High School
Laura Newman - Eastside Elementary
Sheila Nguyen - Cabot High School
Deborah Nicholas - Cabot Middle School North
Sherrie Niece - Northside Elementary
Jayme Nyborg - Cabot High School
Amber Oliver - Eastside Elementary
Rachael Owen - Eastside Elementary
Christi Page - Ward Central Elementary
Leah Panter - Cabot Middle School North
Rusty Passini - Cabot Junior High South
Maddie Patrick - Mountain Springs Elementary
Andrea Patterson - Cabot High School
Scott Patterson - Central Elementary
Lindsey Peerson - Cabot High School
Shelly Pelts - Cabot Freshman Academy
Keith Percefull - Cabot Middle School South
Heather Petty-Pelts - Cabot Junior High North
Mallory Pierski - Cabot Middle School South
Jillian Pounders - Eastside Elementary
Jennifer Powers - Cabot High School
John Prater - Cabot Freshman Academy
Beverly Pray - Cabot Middle School North
Sharon Presley - Cabot High School
Deanna Prestella - Magness Creek Elementary
Jennipher Prowse - Northside Elementary
Angela Pumphrey - Cabot Middle School South
Quinton Ragland - Cabot High School
Shane Raper - Cabot Junior High South
Julia Ray - Westside Elementary
Meagon Reed - Eastside Elementary
Jena Reitz - Cabot Junior High South
Michael Reitz - Cabot Junior High South
Keith Renuard - Cabot Freshman Academy
Kara Reynolds - Cabot High School
Cara Reynolds - Cabot Junior High South
Callie Richard - Cabot Middle School South
Melissa Richmond - Cabot Middle School South
Jennifer Riley - Cabot High School
Charli Rivera - Cabot Middle School South
Sarah Robbins - Northside Elementary
Shawn Robertson - Cabot Freshman Academy
Kim Robertson - Cabot Middle School South
LeAnn Robertson - Cabot Middle School South
Sierra Robinson - Cabot High School
Rebecca Rogers - Cabot Freshman Academy
Joy Rogers - Cabot Middle School North
Megan Rothacher - Southside Elementary
Tasha Rowe - Cabot High School
Kim Rowe -Mountain Springs Elementary
Teresa Rowland - Cabot High School
Cara Ruger - Cabot Middle School North
Sandra Sanders - Stagecoach Elementary
Tasia Sandlin - Central Elementary
Briley Saunders - Cabot Middle School North
Lizabeth Savage - Central Elementary
Kristen Schisler - Northside Elementary
Christopher Scott - Cabot High School
Kelly Self - Southside Elementary
Jessica Sharp - Westside Elementary
Courtney Shepard - Cabot High School
Anthony Shepherd - Cabot Freshman Academy
Michelle Shipley - Mountain Springs Elementary
Monica Short - Central Elementary
Chandler Simonson - Southside Elementary
Leah Simpson - Cabot High School
Allie Simpson - Cabot Junior High North
Heather Singleton - Cabot Middle School South
Carl Slack - Cabot Learning Academy
Danna Smith - Cabot Middle School North
Lisa Smith - Cabot Middle School North
Lindsey Smith - Magness Creek Elementary
Sydney Smith - Magness Creek Elementary
Victoria Smith - Mountain Springs Elementary
Sherry Smith - Northside Elementary
Faith Smith - Stagecoach Elementary
Lisa Snell - Northside Elementary
Paula Snipes - Cabot High School
Meagan Snyder - Southside Elementary
Anna Southerland - Mountain Springs Elementary
Michelle Souza - Northside Elementary
Marlee Sowell - Mountain Springs Elementary
Tammy Spann - Cabot Middle School North
Haeleigh Sparks - Cabot Panther Academy
Danny Spencer - Cabot Junior High North
Kait Spill - Westside Elementary
Mandy Staley - Stagecoach Elementary
Kristen Steinmetz - Magness Creek Elementary
Dana Stiles - Cabot High School
Meaghan Stizmann - Cabot Middle School South
Devine Stribling - Cabot Freshman Academy
Brittney Such - Southside Elementary
Kimberly Sullivan - Cabot Junior High North
Brittney Sullivan - Southside Elementary
Ryan Sumner - Cabot Freshman Academy
Courtney Swilley - Northside Elementary
Amanda Tarrant - Magness Creek Elementary
Kaylee Tarvin - Cabot Middle School North
Austin Taylor - Cabot Freshman Academy
Leah Taylor - Southside Elementary
Haley Teer - Stagecoach Elementary
Jennifer Thomas - Eastside Elementary
Hannah Thompson - Cabot Middle School North
Tiffany Thompson - Cabot Middle School South
Kim Thompson - Ward Central Elementary
Vicki Thompson - Ward Central Elementary
Susan Toboy - Ward Central Elementary
Jamie Todd - Cabot Middle School North
Matison Toland - Cabot Junior High North
Lisa Toms - Cabot High School
Deanne Tonnessen - Cabot Freshman Academy
Jessica Tonnessen - Cabot Panther Academy
Diana Tran - Eastside Elementary
Felicia Trigg - Northside Elementary
Samantha Turkia - Magness Creek Elementary
Justin Turner - Cabot High School
Kim Usery - Cabot High School
Rachel Valovich - Cabot Middle School South
April Veazey - Cabot High School
Racheal Vickers - Cabot Junior High North
Sherry Voegele - Northside Elementary
Shirley Wade - Cabot Freshman Academy
Cindy Wade - Northside Elementary
Stephanie Waire - Northside Elementary
Tracie Wakefield - Westside Elementary
Barbie Walker - Cabot High School
Beth Walker - Cabot Learning Academy
Whitney Walker - Westside Elementary
Caroline Walter - Cabot Middle School North
Ashley Walton - Northside Elementary
Peyton Ward - Cabot Junior High South
Riley Watson - Magness Creek Elementary
Kelly Weaver - Cabot Freshman Academy
Alex Webb - Stagecoach Elementary
April Weeks - Southside Elementary
Scott Wells - Cabot Freshman Academy
Rebecca West - Cabot Middle School North
Shonda Westbrook - Cabot Freshman Academy
Kathryn Westbrook - Southside Elementary
Kayleen Whaley - Magness Creek Elementary
John White - Cabot High School
Jessica White - Mountain Springs Elementary
Amy Whitt - Cabot Middle School North
Linda Whitt - Southside Elementary
Shannon Wiggins - Cabot Freshman Academy
JoAnne Wilbanks - Ward Central Elementary
Becky Wilson - Cabot High School
Liz Wilson - Cabot High School
Sara Wilson - Cabot Middle School South
Mindy Wilson - Magness Creek Elementary
Cindy Wilson - Northside Elementary
Rebecca Winslow - Cabot Freshman Academy
Jason Wolff - Westside Elementary
Mindy Woodruff - Cabot Freshman Academy
Nicarah Wooten - Stagecoach Elementary
Emily Wrigley - Cabot High School
Elizabeth Yielding - Cabot Freshman Academy
Suzie Yielding - Cabot Freshman Academy
Donna Young - Cabot High School
Amy Youngblood - Cabot Junior High South
Shelby Younge - Cabot Middle School North
Erica Zardo - Mountain Springs Elementary
Danika Zweifel - Ward Central Elementary