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September School Board Recognition 2024

September 30, 2024

One of our amazing students and one of our outstanding teachers were recognized at the September 2024 Cabot School Board meeting.

Student Spotlight
Alyssa Swafford, CHS

Alyssa Swafford is currently a junior at CHS, and to say that we are very proud of Alyssa would be a major understatement. Principal Mike Falcinelli says, "I don’t think we have anyone who has persevered and been more resilient than Alyssa has. Alyssa struggled both academically and emotionally when she first came to CHS. But with a strong support system at home and at school, Alyssa is determined to not only graduate, but excel in her classes. All of us at CHS are very proud of Alyssa and can not wait to see her continue to grow."

September School Board Recognition

PLC Building Recognition
Stephanie Wade, CHS

Stephanie Wade has been a teacher at CHS since 2008, and she currently teaches our Business and Entrepreneur classes within our CTE department. Stephanie is a natural leader who does great things both inside and outside of the classroom. She collaborates with her fellow CTE teachers, and is the lead for the CTE collaborative team. Stephanie has a unique ability to connect and build lifelong relationships with her students.

September School Board Recognition

Congratulations again to Alyssa Swafford and Stephanie Wade! We are Panther Proud of you both!

September School Board Recognition 2024

Vision & Mission

The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
dignity and respect, and adapt successfully to the demands of the rapidly changing society.

The Cabot School District is committed to
"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."