School Board recognition for May
May 23, 2012
Many students and teachers were recognized at May's board meeting for their superior accomplishments.
Substitute Teacher Appreciation Month
Several substitute teachers were chosen from their peers and supervisors as going above and beyond in the classroom while teaching at Cabot Schools.
Pictured from left to right - Middle School, Junior High & High School subs:Kim Guyor, Rhonda Hankins, Judith Hipp, Mandy Walker, Stephen Westbrook, Daphne Mobbs, Tracy Myers, Kendria Bellou and Nikki Hoffman.
Pictured from left to right - Elementary School subs: : Juanita Birdsong, Kary Faught, Charlotte Johnson, Braden Wilson, Regina Harty, Tammy Jolley, Janell Stone, Cindy Haydon, Pam Eikhoff and Doug Bassler. Not pictured: Renee Cook, Kameron Shafer, Cindy Ambeau and Amy Walters.
Lions Club of Cabot
The Cabot Lions Club partnered with the Cabot School District and hosted a “Heroes for Health” 1K Fun Run. The race had 130 participants and raised over $800 for the Cabot School District.
Pictured from left to right: Cody Alley, Dr James Hertzog, Shelia De Armond, Colleen Caldwell and Matt Weber.
Little Rock Spouses' Club
The Little Rock Spouses' Club (LRSC) is an active group of military spouses dedicated to giving back to our community. Our members are spouses of officer, enlisted and civilian personnel working at Little Rock Air Force Base, Jacksonville, Arkansas.The Spouses' Club host social events, activities and fund raise through the year to give out scholarships, grants and welfare to the base and local community.
Shayne Nichols and Christine Daugherty presented checks in the amount of 2,484.00 to Tami Eggensperger for the purchase of 12 sets of Vernier probes to teach physical science concepts of heat, light and motion in grades K-6, and 2,000.00 to Heather Brown and Carmen Johnson for the purchase of iPad for their kindergarten students to use in the classroom.
CHS Key Club
The CHS Key Club Dominates at the District Leadership Conference! The Key Club received the Diamond Distinguished Award - the highest award given to a club!!
Mrs. Kelly Chaney, CHS Teacher & Key Club Sponsor, also received the ‘Key of Honor Award' - the highest award for an adult involved in Key Club.
Pictured from left to right: CHS Principal Henry Hawkins, Caleb Durkop, Robby Chaney, Ms. Betty Flowers, Emily Freeman and CHS Key Club sponsor Kelly Chaney.
2012 Child Safety Poster Contest Winners
This year's contest theme was, "Bring Our Missing Children Home", which encouraged students to learn how to identify danger and defend themselves in an enjoyable and non-threatening way.
Pictured from left to right: Alex Kraus (1st place winner), Westside Elementary Art Teacher Brianna Peterson and Lucy Lander (3rd place winner). Not pictured: Andrew Lauland (3rd place winner).
Arkansas Green Schools Challenge
The U.S. Green Building Council- Arkansas Chapter (USGBC) and the Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators (AAEA) challenged schools to form a team to green your school which result may in lower operating costs and will positively impact your students, teachers and community forever. Our goal was to empower students and communities to be good stewards of their own environments.
Out of 41 schools that took this challenge, 7 were winners and Cabot came out on top! The CHS Ecology Club/AP Academy won the Platinum Award with their presentation on Recycling. With their win, the Ecology Club received a monetary amount in which the club plans to purchase signage for trash cans around the Cabot School District.
Pictured from left to right: Ecology Club sponsor Carmen Tharp, Arkansas Green School representative Dustin Davis, Julia Gairhan, Mentor John Phillips and Michael McKinnie.
Arkansas Game and Fish East Region Trapshoot
The Arkansas Youth Shooting Sports Program (AYSSP) aims to bring the joy of the outdoors and the rewards of safely learning to shoot to young Arkansans.Out of over 100 squads competing in the East Region Trapshoot contest, Cabot placed 1st in the Junior Division.
Cabot will compete in the State Tournament on June 2.
Pictured from left to right: Coach Kim Hill, Coach Jerry Hill, Ben Whiting, Chase Myers, Bailey Finley, Chandler Barrick and Coach Mary Murtishaw.
Skills USA Winners
Chuck Massey and Sarah Bolt recognized the following students for achieving Gold status at the Skills USA competition: Emily Snyder - Medical Math, Joseph Evans - Dental Assisting, Emily Freeman and Lauren Massey - Radio/Audio Production. Ashley Bronson, Dalton Madding, Dillon Maxwell and Shelby Styron - Broadcast News Production Justin Wagnon - Criminal Justice. These students will compete in the National Skills USA competition at the end of June.
Pictured from left to right: Dalton Madding, Shelby Styron, Emily Synder, Lauren Massey, Emily Freeman, Ashley Bronson and Dillon Maxwell.
AMC 10 Winner
Although he was unable to attend, Christopher Layton was recognized for winning the American Mathematics Competition 10 for the state of Arkansas.