January School Board Recognition 2023
February 17, 2023

Several of our talented students and even our very own dedicated school board members were recognized at the January meeting.
Congressional App Challenge Winner - William Rownd
Congratulations to 10th grade student William Rownd for winning the Congressional App Challenge sponsored by U.S. Congressman Rick Crawford. William created his app titled "Rx Adviser" which is a medication reminder app using revolutionary technology that allows for ease of use along with drug-to-drug interaction warnings. CAC judges were extremely impressed with William's app and suggested when it is complete, he should market it to local pharmacies.

As the winner, William will be invited to attend the #HouseOfCode reception in Washington D.C. this spring with other winners from around the country. Congratulations William on this incredible achievement!
Here is a demonstration video of William's app: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zjcd9SNx89A
School Board Recognition Month
Cabot Public Schools is proud to honor our dedicated Cabot School Board members during Arkansas School Board Recognition Month.
This month-long observance, which is held every January, is the perfect time to show our appreciation to our board members who volunteer their time to ensure the success of our students. It is also an excellent opportunity for the Cabot School District and the community to build a stronger understanding of the crucial role school boards play.

As part of Arkansas School Board Recognition Month, our Ag/Metals students at Cabot High School created tokens of appreciation for our board members. Nicole Gatewood, Coordinator of Career & Technical Education, and Mr. Ruff enlisted the help of several of his students including, Seth Anderson-Dodson, Cadyn Riddick, Michael McCormick, and Austin Guyot. They were all excited to come to the meeting to say thank you and to present the board members with their metal creations.
The students spoke about their interest in the welding field and how several of them have already been accepted into welding school. In fact, Michael already has a job with a welding company in Little Rock. Austin also shared that thanks to the support of the Cabot School Board they have been able to experience several amazing opportunities. This includes attending welding expos and winning gear and even scholarships!
Thank you to Mrs. Gatewood and Mr. Ruff and his students for sharing their talents and recognizing our board members.