Inclement Weather, School Closures, & Limited Bus Service
January 31, 2023

The Cabot School District wants to remind students, parents, and patrons about inclement weather procedures. Under the circumstance that inclement weather is either present or imminent, our primary concern is for the safety of students and drivers. The district may cancel school for an entire day, delay opening school, or close schools early due to hazardous weather or other emergencies.
Superintendent Dr. Thurman and other district administrators will begin checking roads at 4:00 a.m. When necessary, Dr. Thurman will also be in communication with the National Weather Service in North Little Rock regarding the forecast, and local emergency responders for an overview of road conditions in all areas of the school district.
The Cabot School District utilizes a variety of communication tools to alert families of weather-related closings and delays. Our automated phone communication system, Facebook, Twitter, television outlets and the district website provide up-to-date information.
The mass phone communication system allows the school district to notify families by telephone, email, text message, and app notification when school has been canceled due to bad weather. When a decision is made in the evening, we attempt to notify families by 10 p.m.
When a decision is made in the morning, we want to notify families by 6 a.m. (which means families could receive a call as early as 5:15 a.m.) Our goal is to accommodate the many students and families that leave home early.
Parents can also follow the status of the district via our district Facebook page (Cabot Public School District) or Twitter (@cabotsd and @DrTCabot). Dr. Thurman is very active on Twitter and will post information on his account that automatically updates to our district Facebook and Twitter accounts.
The district also notifies local television stations (KARK Channel 4/Fox 16, KATV Channel 7, and THV 11) in the event of a closing/delay, and a banner/alert is posted on the district website (
Parents are HIGHLY encouraged to have a plan for inclement weather days in advance. This includes one and two hour delayed openings. Please do not wait until we are dealing with an inclement weather situation to begin planning for the day. The district will announce the earliest possible time that students may be dropped off at buildings if a delayed opening is announced. Please do not drop students off at schools before this announced time.
When there is a delayed opening, bus routes will run as close as possible to the adjusted regular times. For example, if the bus picks your student up at 7:05 a.m. on regular school days, it will pick up at 9:05 a.m. if we have a 2 hour delay. *There may be occasions the district chooses to run “Snow Routes,” that information is listed below.
Be advised that there may be circumstances that would necessitate a change in school opening status. For instance, an originally announced delayed opening may have to be changed to a school closure due to updated weather information. Again, parents need to be prepared for these circumstances in advance.
Social media is a powerful tool for communication. We respectfully request that students not post false road conditions since this may sometimes cause undue stress and panic on parents and other students.
We understand that delayed starts and school closings may cause an inconvenience for parents. Our decision will be based on the safety of students and staff. We ask for your patience and understanding as we make these challenging decisions.
Snow Routes:
During an event of inclement weather, the Cabot Public School District may choose to use “snow routes.” When snow routes are implemented, only select roads will not be traveled. On these days, students will need to be at the intersections listed below ten minutes prior to their regular pick up time. (If it is announced that buses will be delayed then snow routes will be delayed too).
- Eagle's Nest Rd & Cv stop at Eagle's Nest Rd and Lewisburg Rd
- All addresses off of Bailey Rd stop at Bailey Rd and Lewisburg Rd
- Hickory Hills Dr stop at Hickory Hills Dr and Lewisburg Rd
- Tucker Rd stop at Tucker Rd and Lewisburg Rd
- W. & E. Cricket Rd Red Bird Ln stop at Red Bird Ln and Ballard Rd
- Lindulake Rd, High Point Dr stop at Lindulake Rd and AR Hwy 5
- All addresses off of Wildwood Dr stop at Wildwood Dr and AR Hwy 5
- Holt Ln, Willow Lake Rd & Cv stop at Willow Lake Rd and Douglas Rd
- W. & E. Earlene Cv & Dorman Dr stop at Dorman Dr and W Mountain Springs Rd
- All Greystone addresses, stops will be on Greystone Blvd
Special needs bus drivers in the impacted areas will contact parents to make arrangements for transportation.