Cabot School Board Election Results 2022
December 14, 2022

The Cabot School District congratulates Dr. James Hertzog, Kevin Tipton, Marvin Jones, Joe Trusty, and Pam Clem on their recent re-election to the Cabot School Board.
*Pam Clem and Joe Trusty were unopposed.
*Sarah Owen and Corey Williams hold at-large positions. According to the Arkansas School Boards Association (ASBA), at-large positions are not required to run for reelection in November 2022 since they were previously elected at-large.
Following the election and the first meeting of the new Cabot School Board which was held December 13, 2022, all seven board members drew lots to stagger terms so that no more than two board members are elected in any given year and at least one person is elected each year.
Pam Clem - Zone 4: Term Expires 2023
Kevin Tipton - Zone 1: Term Expires 2027
Marvin Jones - Zone 5: Term Expires 2027
Joe Trusty - Zone 3: Term Expires 2026
Sarah Owen - At-Large, Position 1: Term Expires 2026
Dr. James Hertzog - Zone 2: Term Expires 2024
Corey Williams - At-Large, Position 2: Term Expires 2025
During the December 13th Cabot School Board meeting, new officers were elected:
Sarah Owen - President
Corey Williams - Vice President
Kevin Tipton - Secretary