2015 Hall of Fame Banquet
August 27, 2015

The Cabot Panther Foundation proudly announces four individuals as inductees into the 2015 Hall of Fame.
Joe Allman
Linda Campbell
Gary Smith
Howell Thompson (1921-2006)
The honorees and their families will be formally honored during the Hall of Fame banquet on Saturday, October 17th, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Cabot Junior High North cafeteria. Cabot School District's Athletic Director Steve Roberts will be the guest speaker.
If you're interested in tickets please contact Cindy Jones at 843-3363 ext. 1059 or cabotpantherfoundation@gmail.com and prices are $25 for individual and $200 for a table of 8.
(Click HERE for an order form)
The Cabot Panther Hall of Fame was created in 2008 to celebrate the successes of public education by honoring talented graduates of Cabot Public Schools, as well as local leaders who have provided distinguished service to influence public school excellence.
“We are very excited about this upcoming banquet. This is one of my favorite events that is sponsored by the Cabot Panther Foundation and what a great honor for our inductees,” said Joey York, Chairman, Cabot Panther Foundation Hall of Fame Banquet.
The Cabot Panther Foundation is a non-profit organization designed to support the educational purposes of the Cabot School District, including, but not limited to, funding research, education, athletic and other activities to promote public education. To learn more about the Cabot Panther Foundation, please visit the Cabot Public School website, www.cabotschools.org