2022-2023 Meal Prices/Free Breakfast/Free & Reduced Price Meals
July 29, 2022
Cabot Public Schools is happy to announce the district will once again be offering free breakfast to all students (PK-12) for the 2022-2023 school year. However, due to a federal waiver that expired in June, lunch will no longer be free to all students for the upcoming school year.
Lunch prices were finalized at the July 28, 2022 Cabot School Board meeting and are listed below.
Breakfast: Free
Lunch: $2.65
Secondary (7-12)
Breakfast: Free
Lunch: $2.85
Breakfast: Free
Lunch: $0.40
Breakfast: $3.00
Lunch: $4.00
Menus can be found HERE. Please note menus are still being finalized and are subject to change prior to school. Check back often.
Families who believe they may qualify for free or reduced-price meals based on household income are strongly encouraged to submit an online meal application as soon as possible through www.ezmealapp.com. This website is secure and confidential and is a faster and easier way for parents to apply.
A paper application can be requested by contacting Food Services at 501-843-3363 or emailing Janie Bowien at Janie.Bowien@cps.k12.ar.us. For more information and frequently asked questions click HERE.
If you have any questions, contact the Food Services Department at 501-843-3363.