First Day of School 2015-2016: Welcome Back Students! Pictures & Video
August 17, 2015

It was a great first day of school for thousands of students in the Cabot School District. After a nice summer break, kids woke up bright and early Monday morning ready to begin an exciting new school year. Faculty, staff and volunteers opened car doors and greeted students and their parents as they made their way to classrooms.
For many parents it was tough leaving their little ones for the first time, but they knew they were in good hands. At many schools, the Parent Teacher Organizations held a “Boo-Hoo or Yahoo Breakfast” for kindergarten parents. It gave them a chance to share some tears and cheers as families start this new journey. Pre-K students and parents have a chance to experience it all Tuesday, August 18th. That's when the littlest and newest Cabot Panthers start school.
The Cabot School District has more than 10,000 students along with 340 Pre-K students. It's also the 7th largest district in the state.
Cabot Junior High North and South hold Open House on the first day of school from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The Freshman Academy, ACE and Cabot High School will hold their open house, Tuesday, August 18th from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
We are very excited the 2015-2016 school year is officially underway! If you haven't already, we want to remind parents to download our Cabot Public School App to stay informed on the latest school news. You can also check your child's grades and get alerts on attendance and cafeteria balances. We also encourage you to follow your child's school Twitter and/or Facebook accounts.
If you have any transportation issues, please call our Transportation Call Center at 501-743-3531. It opens at 3:00 p.m. and will continue until Wednesday, August 19th.
Have a great year everyone!
It's been a great first day of school! We captured some great moments today, check out this video!
Posted by Cabot Public School District on Monday, August 17, 2015