Important First Day of School Information From Dr. Thurman
August 14, 2015

Important first day of school infomation from Dr. Thurman:
(Below is an automated message from Dr. Thurman that will go out Sunday, August 16th, the night before school begins.)
Good evening, this is Dr. Tony Thurman, and I want to let you know how excited we are to welcome students back to school tomorrow. We have worked all summer to prepare for your child's arrival, and it's going to be a fantastic year.
The beginning of school is also the return of school traffic. It often takes a few days for school car rider lines to flow efficiently, so we would really appreciate your extreme patience when dropping off or picking up your child this week.
For students who ride the bus, please be at your bus stop at least 10 minutes before your scheduled pick up time Monday. Parents, please remember that during the first week, afternoon buses can run up to 30 minutes late as students learn the procedures and routes. Bus routes and schedules can be found on our district website.
Transportation can be confusing for students on the first day of school, especially younger children. Many parents like to drop off their child on the first day, but your child may not know how they will be getting home. Please make sure you communicate to your student and school on whether they will be a car rider or bus rider on Monday afternoon.
A transportation call center will be open to address any bus concerns beginning Monday, August 17 through Wednesday, August 19. The center will open at 3 p.m. each day and can be accessed by calling 501-743-3531.
Another important topic for students at the beginning of school is lunch. Menus are posted on our district website, as well as a link to EZ School Pay, where you can add money onto your student's account to be used in the cafeteria.
If you have a smart phone, please remember to download the Cabot Public Schools App. This will keep you up to date on announcements, events, and you can even check your student's grades. Be sure to follow your child's school on their Twitter or Facebook account for the latest news and events.
We will continue with the Home Access Center this school year which gives you up to date information regarding grades, upcoming assignments and attendance. Your login and password are the same as they were last school year. If you are new to the district or you have forgotten your information, please contact your child's school later this week to obtain this information.
The safety and well-being of our students is a priority. Please understand that we will ask for identification if you need to check your child out during the day. Students will not be allowed to be checked out by anyone who is not on the emergency contact sheet for your child. Please contact your child's school if this information needs to be updated.
Always remember that we are here to partner with you. It's imperative that we work together. Never hesitate to contact your child's teacher or a building administrator when you have a question or concern.
If you need to contact me, please do so. My contact information can be found on our district website under the administration tab. This is going to be a great school year, and thanks for being part of Cabot Schools! Go Panthers!