Cabot Can​​'s First Year Makes A Difference
August 13, 2015

Cabot Can recently completed its first summer of collecting food items.
The project served as an extension of the Cabot Public Schools backpack feeding program. (During the school year, students take home a backpack full of food items for their family over the weekend.)
Through the generosity of patrons and businesses of the Cabot School District, over $8,000 and numerous food items were collected to help more than 300 students and their families this summer.
Cabot Can organizer Pam Clem saw the vision to extend this program throughout the summer after school was closed several days during the winter months and some students were without nutritious meals that the school normally would provide for them.
Cabot Can would like to thank all the volunteers who put in countless hours preparing for this distribution, Tyson Foods for donating 5,000 lbs of chicken fries, Little Debbie for boxes of snack items, Junior Auxiliary of Cabot, anonymous donations and co-organizers Debbie Carr, Tiffany Johnston, and Linda Campbell.
Suddenlink Communications also donated $500 toward the Cabot Can project!
This project will continue to help the schools throughout the school year as needed to serve the students of Cabot.