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Student-Athlete COVID-19 "Return to Play" Guidelines

January 10, 2022

UPDATED 2-9-2022

The Cabot School District is following the Arkansas Activities Association and the Arkansas Department of Health COVID-19 policy. If you have a positive COVID result you can return to school in five (5) days if you meet the following requirements:

• You have no symptoms
• Your symptoms are improving after five days
• You are fever free for 24 hours without the aid of medication

To view the specific changes regarding this new guidance, please click HERE

For Student-Athletes the Arkansas Athletic Association has additional guidelines which must be met.

Isolation: Positive COVID Test

Category 1: Student Athlete with Asymptomatic or Mild COVID Illness
Symptoms – Common cold like symptoms, GI symptoms, loss of taste/smell
● Parent/Guardian MUST sign consent form for resumption of participation
● This student athlete no longer will need medical evaluation/clearance required to return to
● This student athlete will no longer have to complete a formal return to play protocol
● Recommend that 3 days post symptom onset or positive test/prior to returning to school the student
athlete can begin light cardiopulmonary exercises (walking, exercise bike) at a submaximal level
● Recommend medical evaluation if any new/abnormal cardiopulmonary (e.g., chest pain)

Category 2: Student Athlete with Moderate Illness or Cardiopulmonary Symptoms WITHOUT Hospitalization
Symptoms – Fever >100.4 for more than 4 days, flu-like symptoms (worse than cold-like) > 7 days
● Parent/Guardian MUST sign consent form for resumption of participation
● Strongly recommend medical evaluation/clearance, but not required
● Strongly recommend graduated return to play protocol, but not required
● Recommend no exercise for at least 5 days form symptom onset or positive test then can begin a light
phasing back into activity
● 12-lead EKG, ECHO should be considered if history of new/abnormal chest pain, pressure, palpitations,
syncope, dyspnea, with exertion, or concerns from previous medical history
● If EKG is abnormal, the student athlete should be referred to cardiology for further evaluation

Category 3: Student Athlete with Severe Illness or Hospitalization
Symptoms – Prolonged high Fever (>104), chest pain, shortness of breath with exertion
● Parent/Guardian MAY NOT consent to have the student athlete opt out of the COVID Clearance/RTP
● Medical evaluation and/or cardiology clearance required prior to return to activity
● Graduated return to play protocol required after medical clearance obtained
● NO exercise until medical evaluation
● Highly recommend 12-lead EKG, ECHO, troponins, or cardia MRI per cardiology recommendations.

This form can be found HERE. (Print this form and take with you to your PCP appointment)

Tips/Frequently Asked Questions:
How can I get in contact with my coach regarding my child being in isolation?
*All our coaches contact information can be found at

Who can I contact if I still have questions?
* District Point of Contact Sarah McNally at 501-743-3551 ext. 1213 or email
* Nursing Coordinator Vonda Morgan at 501-743-3351 ext. 1206 or email
* Email:

Vision & Mission

The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
dignity and respect, and adapt successfully to the demands of the rapidly changing society.

The Cabot School District is committed to
"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."