Updated Face Covering Policy Effective September 15, 2021
September 14, 2021

“Face coverings” include any material that covers the nose and mouth and prevents respiratory particles from traveling beyond the immediate area of the person wearing the face covering.
K-6 Students, Staff, and Visitors
-All students in grades K- 6, staff, and visitors in elementary or middle school buildings must wear face coverings while indoors or riding a bus when physical distancing of six feet is not possible or practical. This includes any time a student is on elementary or middle school district property during the school day and on district-owned transportation.
-Students may remove face coverings when outdoors or during physical activity. Students may also remove face coverings when eating or drinking.
-Students may remove face coverings when appropriate social distancing measures are in place as determined by a teacher or school administrator.
-Students may remove face coverings on a case-by-case basis for specific instructional needs and other activities, as determined by a teacher, in which case the teacher will utilize appropriate social distancing measures.
-Requests for face covering exemptions must be approved by the Assistant Superintendent and accompanied by appropriate documentation.
-This policy will remain in effect until the Superintendent, in consultation with the School Board, directs that the face covering policy be rescinded.
-Upon rescission of the policy, the Superintendent, in consultation with the School Board, may re-implement a face covering requirement at specific schools based on an increase in positivity and/or quarantine rates.
7-12 Students, Staff, and Visitors
-Face coverings are optional for students in grades 7-12 for students, staff, and visitors.
-The Superintendent in consultation with the School Board may re-implement a face covering requirement at specific schools based on an increase in positivity and/or quarantine rates.
This face covering policy will go into effect on September 15, 2021, and will remain in effect until rescinded by the Superintendent, in consultation with the School Board.
Important Quarantine Reminders
The district highly recommends students, staff and visitors continue wearing a face covering. According to the updated COVID-19 Guidelines from the Arkansas Department of Education:
- Students who are identified as close contacts with a COVID-positive individual are NOT required to quarantine as long as both individuals are properly wearing a face covering and are symptom free.
- Fully-vaccinated individuals will NOT be required to quarantine as long as they provide proof of vaccination and remain symptom free. If you would like to provide vaccine documentation to our school health department, click here.
- NO quarantine is required if a probable close contact has had COVID-19 and recovered within 90 days of their diagnosis and is not experiencing symptoms.