CPS Student Vaccination Documentation
September 9, 2021

The Cabot School District is requesting that you consider providing documentation to our Health Services Department if your student is fully vaccinated for COVID-19.
The purpose of providing documentation will be to establish a database to quickly identify students that would need to quarantine if identified as a close contact. Fully vaccinated students will not be directed to quarantine unless they exhibit symptoms or test positive for Covid.
Below is a link for providing your student’s information and uploading a copy of the vaccine card. You must have a google account. Students can utilize their school email account if necessary.
If you are unable to locate your vaccination card, contact Nurse Vonda Morgan vonda.morgan@cabotschools.org and she can work with you to obtain the needed documentation. You may also want to provide this documentation so that there is a record on file that you can access as needed. If your student is identified as a close contact, it will be imperative that you are able to immediately provide verification of being fully vaccinated or your student will be directed to quarantine.
Please understand that we are NOT mandating that anyone receive the vaccine. We are only requesting that you consider providing documentation of your student being fully vaccinated so that we can quickly move from case-to-case on quarantine directives and have a better understanding in regard to the percentage of our students that are fully vaccinated.
Covid Vaccine Clinic
If you are interested in your student receiving the vaccine, Cabot Public Schools has once again partnered with ARcare for a Covid vaccine clinic.
It will be held Wednesday, September 15th from 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. at the Cabot Veterans Park Event Center (508 N Lincoln St).
Consent Form - Only those individuals with the required completed paperwork (the signed immunization Consent Form) will be allowed to receive the COVID vaccine.
These free clinics are available to individuals 12 years of age and older. If you have private insurance, Medicaid or ARKids, the providers will be able to seek reimbursement for the cost of giving the vaccine. If you do not have insurance or your insurance does not pay for vaccines, there will still be no charge to you.
If you have any questions, please contact our Nursing Coordinator Vonda Morgan at 501-843-3363 ext. 1206 or email Vonda.Morgan@cabotschools.org.