Summer Construction & Renovation Projects 2021-2022
July 29, 2021

There are only a few more weeks of summer vacation left but hard work has continued throughout the summer at the Cabot School District. We have several construction and renovation projects taking place across the district and some that were recently completed.
Here is a look at a few of the improvements we are making for our students and staff.
Northside Elementary School:
*Addition of four classrooms
*Project completed at the end of the 2020-2021 school year
*Alternative Learning Environment (ALE) program is being relocated to where ACE North was housed on the Cabot High School campus
*Upgrade HVAC mechanical systems
*Installing new ceiling
*Replacing carpet and flooring
*Adding faculty restroom
Health Services:
*Health Services Department is being relocated to 811 South Pine Street
*Upgrading HVAC
*Upgrading electrical
*Provide additional storage for Personal Protective Equipment
Cabot Public Schools American History Museum:
*The museum is also relocating to 811 South Pine Street
*After it is completely renovated, the museum will be housed adjacent to the Health Services Department.
Cabot Middle School North:
*Flooring/Carpet is being replaced throughout the school.
Turf Projects (CJHS, CJHN, Baseball & Softball fields):
With 81 teams and 15 different sports, we need a lot of space for activities. Currently, our girls and boys soccer teams share the field at Panther Stadium with each team utilizing half the field. During this same time, our track students are also practicing.
To alleviate this issue, we are installing two turf fields, one at Cabot Junior High South and the other at Cabot Junior High North. They will be used daily by soccer, track, and football athletes and as needed by our band program.
The turf fields will be safer for our student-athletes since they are less likely to sustain a ground-based injury. Our junior high fields each have three teams (7th, 8th and 9th) practicing daily which quickly turns the grass into a dirt surface. They also drain quickly minimizing the loss of practice and game opportunities. This is especially important for our spring sports.
We have dealt with significant drainage challenges with our softball and baseball fields and those will have a turf overlay in advance of the upcoming season.
Additional Improvements:
Cabot Freshman Academy
*Parking and driveway repairs
*Renovation to accommodate the Cabot Panther Digital Academy
Cabot Learning Academy
Champs Hall
*Plumbing improvements
*Custodial team has stripped and waxed all floors and all classrooms have been thoroughly cleaned
*Continued replacement of awnings across the district that were damaged by the winter storm
Safety Improvements
*Clearing wooded areas between JHS and CMSS and JHN and CFA. This will enhance safety by improving visibility to campuses, address drainage issues in both areas, and allow our staff to develop walking trails and outdoor classrooms.