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Forensics Speech & Debate Recognitions

March 18, 2021

National Speech and Debate Association National Tournament Qualifiers

Congratulations to our Forensics and Debate students for qualifying for the National Speech and Debate Association's National Tournament!

We are Panther Proud of this group of talented students.

National Speech and Debate Qualifiers

Clayton Kincade
Alexis Lyons
Alix Brown
Kathleen Armstrong
Piper Selah
Harrison Merrick
Joelle Buckner
Christina Smith
Alexis Childs
EJ Robertson
Ethan Schneider

Debate Coach Honored With Two Awards

A huge congratulation also goes out to the Cabot School District’s Debate Coach, Ms. Rachel Mauchline. Ms. Mauchline was named the 2021 Arkansas District Communicator of the Year by the Arkansas Communication & Theatre Arts Association (ACTAA).

Rachel Mauchline
Rachel Mauchline

Arkansas Communication & Theatre Arts Association
“I feel like it’s a bit garish to even list endless reasons why Rachel deserves this award this year. But I’m going to! We all know, without a shadow of a doubt, that this year for Arkansas would not be possible with Rachel Mauchline. We know, even those who may not want to admit, that it is sometimes exclusively her work that makes Arkansas turn. I can think of no other person who better meets the LITERAL qualifications for this award. Rachel communicates, and we move. Rachel takes on, so we don’t have to. Rachel produces, because there is always a need in our community. “-Rosie Valdez Block

Rachel is the heart and soul of Arkansas forensics and debate. Her heart for service is something we are eternally grateful for. Rachel, this year would not have happened without you. Thank you so much for your dedication to ACTAA. Please help us celebrate our 2021 Arkansas District Communicator of the Year, Rachel Mauchline.

Back in December, Ms. Mauchline was also presented with the National Speech and Debate Association’s District Commendation. This award recognizes non-chair committee members with a state's district. Members are nominated for outstanding service and contributions to the speech and debate community. The top 10 National Leaders are recognized every summer at the NSDA National Tournament. Ms. Mauchline was awarded commendation for the Arkansas NSDA District for the 2019-2020 school year. Her commendation is for Excellence in Tabroom Support and Judge Recruitment.

Congratulations Ms. Mauchline on these two outstanding awards!

Societe de 300

The Cabot High School speech and debate team earned a significant recognition from the National Speech & Debate Association. Students earn points and degrees in the honor society based on competitive and service-related activities.

Societe de 300 Award
Our chapter achieved 300 or more strength points last year, earning membership in the Association’s prestigious Societe de 300. This milestone demonstrates outstanding commitment to teaching students essential life skills including, communication, research, listening, writing, and organization.

Congratulations to amazing and talented students and coaches!

Vision & Mission

The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
dignity and respect, and adapt successfully to the demands of the rapidly changing society.

The Cabot School District is committed to
"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."