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All-State Band & All-State Choir Recognized

March 16, 2021

All-State Band

Congratulations to 20 Cabot High School students for being selected for All-State Band! These amazing musicians were recently recognized in front of their directors and band family by Assistant Superintendent Michael Byrd.

About 1000 students from all 9 Regions of Arkansas competed for All-State in February.  This year, auditions were virtual video/audio auditions. 

All-State Band Members
All-State Band Members

Students who made the All-State bands also attended a virtual All-State. Members of the U.S. Army Band "Pershing's Own" joined them for an online meeting.  The members were former Arkansas All-State musicians. 

Students selected for All-State are pursued to attend colleges and universities to play in band. These students are offered a great amount of money even if they do not major in music.

Congratulations to our All-State Band members!

All-State Band

Shayleigh Smith - Bassoon
Rebecca Davis - Clarinet
Ashley Muller - Clarinet
Delaina Johnson - Bass Clarinet
Sarah Bray - Contra Clarinet
Kendall Guptill - Contra Clarinet
Cameron Sanders - Horn
Molly Boroughs - Horn
Noah Pifer - Trumpet
Mallory Jones - Trumpet
Ryan Talbert - Trombone
Gabe Graff - Trombone
Luke Haskins - Trombone
Blake Mitchell - Bass Trombone
Tyler Warren - Bass Trombone
Braden Lee - Tuba
Kaylee Bolen - Tuba
Harrison Manuel - Percussion
Nathan Brady - Percussion
Brandon Reynolds - Percussion

All-State Choir

Congratulations to our All-State Choir members! Assistant Superintendent Michael Byrd also had the opportunity to recognize these awesome students during class one morning.

Competition this year was all virtual. Students pre-recorded their auditions and judges listened to those recording to determine chair placement. The sight reading portion was done virtually as well.

All-State Choir
All-State Choir

Students were emailed the excerpt and could only do it once, and only had about 20 seconds to look at it before they had to record.

The top 50 in each section were named to the Arkansas All-State Choir, which is a huge honor.

We are very proud of our Cabot All-State Choir members!

All-State Choir Members

Tessa Garlock
Olivia Hutson
Tess Monroe
Veronica Woods
Rylee Barnette

Congratulations to our All-State Choir and All-State Band members!

Vision & Mission

The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
dignity and respect, and adapt successfully to the demands of the rapidly changing society.

The Cabot School District is committed to
"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."