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Cabot Schools Donate To A Non-Profit Organization

February 22, 2013

Cabot Jr. High North National Jr. Honor Society Presidents, Morgan (8th grade) and Zoe (9th grade), presented a check for $500 to representatives from Cabot's Hope's Closet and Pantry.

CJHN's National Jr. Honor Society sold candy-grams to raise money to donate to a non-profit organization in our community.  The club members voted to donate the proceeds to Hope's Closet and Pantry, which provides food and clothing to local families in need.

Vision & Mission

The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
dignity and respect, and adapt successfully to the demands of the rapidly changing society.

The Cabot School District is committed to
"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."