Student Enrollment Requirements
Prior to a child's admission to an Arkansas public school, the parent, guardian, or other responsible person shall provide the school with the following:
1) Copy of child's Social Security card or request that the school district assign a nine-digit number designated by the Arkansas Department of Education. (In July 2005 the district began assigning a student identification number to every student in the district to be used on documents that are public.)
2) The district must have one of the following to verify the child's age:
Birth Certificate
A statement by the local registrar or a county recorder certifying the child's date of birth
An attested baptismal certificate
A passport
An affidavit of the date and place of birth by the child's parent or guardian
Previous school records
Military ID
3) Health Records:
Immunizations are up-to-date
Registration Form completed
Contact Information Form completed
Home Language Survey completed
Verification of Residence completed
4) Proof of Residency (Ex. current utility bill, real estate contract or rental agreement, etc)
Here are the Entrance Requirements and Residence Requirements and the AAA Guidelines Regarding Parental Custody
Students who have previously attended school in another district should bring their latest report card, if available.
Students receiving special education services should bring a copy of the current Individualized Education Program (IEP).