Roadmap to Reopening: CPS Ready For Learning Committees
July 8, 2020

In June, the Arkansas Department of Education's Division for Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) directed each district to develop a “Ready for Learning” Committee to help plan for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year.
In addition to an overall committee, the state has advised schools to also establish sub-committees to consider each of the six principal systems when preparing to reopen. These systems include:
1. Academics
2. Human Capital
3. Student Support
4. Stakeholder Communication/Family & Community Engagement
5. District Operations & Fiscal Governance
6. Facilities & Transportation
Cabot Public Schools has established multiple working committees comprised of administrators, staff, teachers, students, parents, and community leaders to help develop our reopening plans based on guidance from public health officials and state agencies.
These committees have been meeting regularly to gather resources and share insight and concerns.
If you have any reopening questions email:
Our Roadmap to Reopening information can be found at
Additional Resources:
American Academy of Pediatrics - COVID-19 Planning Considerations: Guidance for School Re-entry
Journal for the American Medical Association: Reopening U.S. Schools in the Era of COVID-19: Practical Guidance From Other Nations