Kindergarten Roundup 2020-2021
May 5, 2020

Cabot Public Schools is proud to announce “Kindergarten Roundup” for the 2020-2021 school year! You can pre-register online now. Telephone appointments will begin Monday, May 11th.
Due to the current health situation, all registration will take place online. There will be no in-person meetings.
*Children who will turn five (5) years of age on or before August 1, 2020 should be enrolled.
*If you are a parent of a current Cabot Public Schools Pre-K student, you DO NOT pre-register online for kindergarten. A district registrar will contact you by phone to verify your information.
Instructions on pre-registering online:
Parents/guardians of any new kindergarten students can now pre-register online and schedule a telephone registration appointment. Just go to the district website, and click on the Student Registration icon at the top right of the homepage. Then select Kindergarten Roundup.
Once you complete the pre-registration process and set your telephone appointment, you will receive a phone call from a district registrar at your scheduled time. During your telephone appointment, the registrar will verify the information you provided during pre-registration. Once the appointment is over, the registrar will send you an email with information on providing required documentation.
*You can access the kindergarten registration portal by computer, tablet, or a smart phone.
If you have any questions, please contact Student Services at 501-843-3363.