Pre-K Registration 2020-2021 Now Open Online!
February 3, 2020

Cabot Public Schools Pre-K is excited to announce our online registration process for pre-kindergarten students registering for the 2020-2021 school year is now available online. All incoming pre-k students must register online at
*You must complete the online process before you finalize registration for Pre-K.
*To be eligible for our Pre-K program, you must be a resident in the Cabot School District.
*All district children who are 4 on or before August 1, 2020 are eligible to apply.
To begin the online registration process, follow these simple steps:
Click on the Student Registration icon located on the top right side of our homepage at
Click on the Pre-K Registration link and follow the instructions.
Click on the Infofinder or bus stop link to determine your zoned school. *If you have trouble locating your address in Infofinder, please contact Central Administrative Office (501-843-3363) for assistance. (Please note: Southside Pre-K attends Westside, Eastside Pre-K attends Northside, and Stagecoach Pre-K attends Central)
Next, begin the online registration process to create an account to pre-register your child for Pre-K. Please understand in order to create an account you must have a valid email address.
Once you've completed the pre-registration process, you will be directed to schedule an appointment to turn in all required documents. Appointments will be at the Pre-K location of your attendance zone except for Magness Creek. All Magness Creek appointments will be held at Mountain Springs. Appointment times will be available beginning February 12. (Remember: Southside Pre-K goes to Westside, Eastside Pre-K goes to Northside, and Stagecoach Pre-K goes to Central)
You are required to bring these documents to your scheduled appointment.
At the end of your appointment, when all required documentation has been received, your child's Pre-K registration will be complete. Please understand this does not automatically guarantee your child a Pre-K spot. All applicants will be notified of their status beginning in May after applications have been verified and processed.
If you do not have access to the internet, computers will be available at Central Office (602 North Lincoln Street) and all Pre-K locations. Please remember, the Cabot Public Library also has computers available. You can also access the Pre-K Registration portal by using a smart phone device.
Our Pre-K program is income based and a state issued sliding scale is used to determine eligibility for grant or tuition. We follow the Cabot School District calendar. Program hours are 7:30 a.m. – 3:20 p.m.
If you have any questions about this new online registration process, feel free to contact the Pre-K Department at 501-843-3363 ext. 1014 or ext. 1016. You can also email:
Lori Bridges, Pre-K Director:
Eva Zweifel, Administrative Assistant:
Pre-K Locations:
Central Elementary
Westside Elementary
Northside Elementary
Ward Central Elementary
Magness Creek Elementary
Mountain Springs Elementary
*Students placed by attendance zone