Cabot School Board Adopts Resolution Supporting Military Families
June 26, 2018

The Cabot School District is dedicated to supporting our military students and families. Approximately 1,000 military children are enrolled in the Cabot School District.
We appreciate the sacrifices our families make each and every day. The district is committed to serving students of our military heroes and supporting them both emotionally and academically.
The Cabot School District has dedicated a new web page on its website featuring resources and services to help military families. It can be found HERE.
"Support For Military Families" can also be found on the drop down menu under Resources for Parents, Resources for Students, and Resources for Staff. The web page is also located on every school's website on the left hand side under Quick Links.
The district has also designated our school counselors as the point of contact for our military families. Counselors will serve as liaisons to help provide any necessary support. Our counselors have been trained to specifically assist families in any situation military students may face including, constant relocation, enrollment, eligibility, graduation requirements, to dealing with a deployed parent.
If you are a military family and need assistance, please feel free to contact your child's school counselor at any time. Click HERE for a list of counselors and phone numbers.
You can also contact our Director of Counseling Terena Woodruff at 501-843-3363 or
At the June19, 2018, school board meeting, the Cabot School Board also adopted a resolution of support for military children and families.
Cabot School Board of Education Resolution of Support for Military Children and Families
WHEREAS, more than 9,000 Arkansans exhibit profound courage and selflessness by serving in the armed forces;
WHEREAS, Cabot is home to a large number of military families due to its close proximity to the Little Rock Air Force Base;
WHEREAS, over 1,000 military children are enrolled in the Cabot School District;
WHEREAS, military children are often affected by military transitions and parental deployment;
WHEREAS, the family unit is an essential source of support and encouragement for armed service members;
WHEREAS, military children should be celebrated for the sacrifices they make and the courage they display as the children of our nation's armed service members;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cabot School District School Board recognizes and salutes military children and expresses its support for military children and families.
Adopted by the Cabot School District Board of Education
June 19, 2018
We appreciate the sacrifices made by our military heroes and the Cabot School District is dedicated to supporting our military families and students.
At the June 19, 2018 meeting, the Cabot School Board also elected new officers for the 2018-2019 school year. Sarah Owen will serve as President, Corey Williams as Vice President, and Brian Evans as Secretary.