Cabot School District Receives Be The Voice Award
January 11, 2017
The Cabot School District recently received the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention – Arkansas Chapter “Be The Voice Award.”
Dr. Tony Thurman accepted the award on behalf of the Cabot School District. AFSP Arkansas Board Member Tyler West presented the award to Dr. Thurman at the Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators Superintendent Symposium.
We deeply value our partnership with AFSP Arkansas in promoting programs like “More Than Sad.” It takes everyone working together to bring awareness to depression and suicide prevention.
Thank you AFSP Arkansas for presenting the Cabot School District with the “Be The Voice Award.”
Click HERE for more information on "Being a Teenager is Hard: Depression Awareness." Click HERE to read a letter on depression awareness from Dr. Thurman.
*Dr. Thurman picture courtesy of LifeTouch and AAEA.